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¥Managing transfer tokens

☑️ Prerequisites
  • 仅当授予适当的权限时,管理员才可以创建、读取、更新或删除传输令牌(请参阅 配置管理员角色)。

    ¥Administrators can create, read, update, or delete transfer tokens only if proper permissions are granted (see Configuring administrator roles).

  • 仅当授予传输令牌 > 读取权限时,才能在管理面板中访问设置界面的全局设置 > 传输令牌子部分。

    ¥The Global settings > Transfer Tokens sub-section of the settings interface is accessible in the admin panel only if the Transfer tokens > Read permission is granted.

  • 应在管理面板配置文件中定义 transfer.token.salt(请参阅 开发者文档)。

    ¥A transfer.token.salt should be defined in the admin panel configuration file (see Developer Documentation).

转移令牌允许用户授权 strapi transfer CLI 命令(请参阅 开发者文档)。管理员可以通过以下方式管理 API 令牌

¥Transfer tokens allow users to authorize the strapi transfer CLI command (see Developer Documentation). Administrators can manage API tokens from

Settings icon

设置 > 全局设置 > 转移令牌。

¥Settings > Global settings > Transfer Tokens.

Transfer tokensTransfer tokens


¥The Transfer Tokens settings sub-section displays a table listing all of the created Transfer tokens.


¥The table displays each Transfer token's name, description, date of creation, and date of last use. From the table, administrators can also:

  • 单击

    ¥Click on the

edit button

编辑转移令牌的名称、描述或类型,或 重新生成令牌

¥to edit a transfer token's name, description, or type, or regenerate the token.

  • 单击

    ¥Click on the

delete button


¥to delete a Transfer token.


¥Creating a new transfer token


¥To create a new Transfer token:

  1. 单击创建新的转移令牌按钮。

    ¥Click on the Create new Transfer Token button.

  2. 在 Transfer token 版本界面中,配置新的 Transfer token:

    ¥In the Transfer token edition interface, configure the new Transfer token:

    令牌持续时间选择令牌持续时间:7 天、30 天、90 天或无限制。
    • 推送仅允许从本地实例传输到远程实例,
    • 拉动仅允许从远程实例传输到本地实例,
    • 或完全访问权限 允许两种类型的传输。
  3. 单击“保存”按钮。新的转账令牌将显示在界面顶部,并带有复制按钮

    ¥Click on the Save button. The new Transfer token will be displayed at the top of the interface, along with a copy button

copy button


Custom Transfer TokenCustom Transfer Token


¥For security reasons, Transfer tokens are only shown right after they have been created. When refreshing the page or navigating elsewhere in the admin panel, the newly created Transfer token will be hidden and will not be displayed again.


¥Regenerating a Transfer token


¥To regenerate an Transfer token:

  1. 单击转移令牌的编辑按钮。

    ¥Click on the Transfer token's edit button.

  2. 单击“重新生成”按钮。

    ¥Click on the Regenerate button.

  3. 单击对话框中的“重新生成”按钮进行确认。

    ¥Click on the Regenerate button to confirm in the dialog.

  4. 复制界面顶部显示的新转移令牌。

    ¥Copy the new Transfer token displayed at the top of the interface.