¥Content History
GrowthThis feature is available with a Growth plan. EnterpriseThis feature is available with an Enterprise plan. ProThis feature is available with a Strapi Cloud Pro plan. TeamThis feature is available with a Strapi Cloud Team plan.Content Manager 的内容历史记录功能使你能够浏览和恢复使用 Content Manager 创建的文档的先前版本。
¥The Content History feature of the Content Manager gives you the ability to browse and restore previous versions of documents created with the Content Manager.
¥Browsing Content History
¥Content History is accessible from the Edit View of any document created with the Content Manager.
要在内容管理器中编辑文档时浏览内容历史记录,请单击界面右上角的 ,然后单击 内容历史记录按钮。你将看到内容历史记录视图:
¥To browse Content History, while editing a document in the Content Manager, click on at the top right of the interface, and click the Content History button. You will be presented with the Content History view:
右侧的侧边栏列出了可用版本的总数,以及每个版本的创建日期和时间、创建者以及其状态是草稿、已修改还是已发布(有关文档状态的更多信息,请参阅 起草并发布)。
¥The sidebar on the right lists the total number of versions available, and for each version, the date and time when the version was created, the user who created it, and whether its status is Draft, Modified, or Published (see Draft & Publish for more information about document statuses).
¥The main view on the left lists the fields and their content for the version selected in the sidebar on the right.
¥The main view of Content History clearly states whether a field was inexistent, deleted, or renamed in other versions of the content-type. Fields that are unknown for the selected version will be displayed under an Unknown fields heading below the other fields.
¥Restoring a previous version
你可以选择恢复文档的先前版本。当恢复版本时,此版本的内容将覆盖当前草稿版本的内容。文档切换到“已修改”状态,然后你可以随时 publish 内容。
¥You can choose to restore a previous version of a document. When restoring a version, the content of this version will override the content of the current draft version. The document switches to the Modified status and you will then be able to publish the content whenever you want.
¥To restore a version:
在内容管理器中编辑文档时,单击界面右上角的 ,然后单击 内容历史记录按钮。
¥While editing a document in the Content Manager, click on at the top right of the interface, and click the Content History button.
¥Browse the Content History and select a version in the sidebar on the right.
¥Click the Restore button.
¥In the Confirmation window, click Restore.
如果内容类型启用了 国际化(i18n) 功能,则恢复具有唯一字段的版本(即,所有语言环境的内容相同 的字段)将恢复所有语言环境的此字段的内容。
¥If the Internationalization (i18n) feature is enabled for the content-type, restoring a version with a unique field (i.e. a field whose content is the same for all locales) will restore the content of this field for all locales.