GrowthThis feature is available with a Growth plan. EnterpriseThis feature is available with an Enterprise plan.发布使内容管理者能够将条目组织到可以同时执行发布和取消发布操作的容器中。版本可以包含来自不同内容类型的条目,并且可以混合区域设置。
¥Releases enables content managers to organize entries into containers that can perform publish and unpublish actions simultaneously. A release can contain entries from different content types and can mix locales.

管理员可以从管理面板主导航中的 发布访问发布。
¥Administrators can access Releases from Releases in the main navigation of the admin panel.
¥From the Releases view, it is possible to:
¥view pending and done releases,
查看哪些版本是 scheduled,以及它们何时将发布(在“待处理”选项卡中)或已发布(在“完成”选项卡中),
¥view which releases are scheduled, and when they will be published (in the Pending tab) or have been published (in the Done tab),
然后单击发布到 管理其内容。
¥and click on a release to manage its content.