欢迎使用 Strapi 开发者文档!
¥Welcome to the Strapi Developer Docs!
Strapi 的文档包含 3 个主要部分,可从顶部导航栏访问:
¥The documentation for Strapi contains 3 main sections, accessible from the top navigation bar:
你当前正在阅读的开发者文档包含与 Strapi 5 应用的设置、高级使用、自定义和更新相关的所有技术信息。
¥ The Developer Docs that you're currently reading contain all the technical information related to the setup, advanced usage, customization, and update of your Strapi 5 application.
用户指南 用于使用 Strapi 的管理面板。
¥ The User Guide is all about using Strapi's admin panel.
️ Strapi Cloud 文档 是关于将你的 Strapi 应用部署到 Strapi Cloud 并管理你的 Strapi Cloud 项目和设置。
¥️ The Strapi Cloud documentation is about deploying your Strapi application to Strapi Cloud and managing your Strapi Cloud projects and settings.
如果你是 Strapi 的新手
¥If you're totally new to Strapi
或者,如果你是希望充分利用 Strapi 的开发者,那么开发者文档就是你的起点!我们建议你:
¥or if you're a developer who would like to take the most out of Strapi, the Developer Docs are the place to start! We suggest you to:
转到 快速开始 指南。
¥Head over to the Quick Start guide.
继续浏览各种开发者文档部分。"你将学到什么" 部分为你提供了可用主题的概述。
¥Continue your journey through the various Developer Docs sections. The "What you will learn" section gives you an overview of the available topics.
转到 "Strapi 5 文档中有什么新功能?" 页面进行快速浏览。
¥Head over to the "What's new in Strapi 5 docs?" page for a quick tour.
¥What you will find here
Strapi 开发者文档主要面向开发者,并假设开发者对 JavaScript 生态系统有一定的了解。
¥Strapi Developer Docs are mostly intended to developers and assumes some prior knowledge of the JavaScript ecosystem.
如果你在探索 Strapi 时也迈出了 JavaScript Web 开发的第一步,我们鼓励你阅读有关 JavaScript 和 npm 的更多信息。如果适用于你的项目,你还可以在深入了解 Strapi 开发者文档之前了解 TypeScript。
¥If you also make your first steps with JavaScript web development while discovering Strapi, we encourage you to read more about JavaScript and npm. If applicable to your project, you can also learn about TypeScript before diving deeper into the Strapi Developer Docs.
Strapi 开发者文档的目录按顺序显示了 7 个主要部分,这些部分的顺序应与你使用该产品的历程相对应,从最初的步骤到 Strapi 使用的最高级方面。
¥The table of content of the Strapi Developer Docs displays 7 main sections in an order that should correspond to your journey with the product, from the very first steps to the most advanced aspects of Strapi's usage.
¥Clicking on any of the following cards will direct you to the introduction page for the category, with additional details and concepts:
Getting Started
The section you're reading right now. Read recommended information for Strapi beginners.
Setup & Deployment
Install, configure, and deploy Strapi.
Query your content with REST, GraphQL, and Strapi's lower-level APIs.
Advanced features
Use built-in Strapi features for advanced use cases.
Customize the Strapi server and admin panel.
Use Strapi built-in plugins or develop your own plugins.
Upgrade your application to the most recent Strapi versions.
¥If you already know exactly what you're searching for, use the search bar at the top or navigate using the table of content.
如果你更喜欢在查看项目代码结构时了解有关 Strapi 的更多信息,则可以使用交互式 项目结构 页面。
¥If you prefer learning more about Strapi while looking at the project code structure, you can use the interactive project structure page.
如果你更喜欢演示,请随时观看 视频演示,或者你可以请求 在线演示。
¥If demos are more your thing, feel free to watch the video demo, or you can request a live demo.
尝试我们的 AI 助手:单击或点击 Ask AI 按钮并使用自然语言提出问题。实时观察它回答你的问题,然后阅读推荐的来源以了解更多详细信息。
¥Try our AI assistant: Click or tap the Ask AI button and ask your questions using natural language. Watch it answer you in real time, then read recommended sources for more details.