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¥Installation, Configuration, and Deployment

Strapi 旨在安装在本地计算机上,然后进行配置,最后部署到远程环境。本文档部分描述了这些主题,单击以下任何卡片将引导你进入相应的部分:

¥Strapi is meant to be installed on your local machine, then configured, and finally deployed to a remote environment. This documentation section describes these topics, and clicking on any of the following cards will lead you to the corresponding section:


如果你刚刚发现 Strapi,我们鼓励你阅读 快速入门指南,因为它不仅介绍了如何安装 Strapi,还为你提供了可用功能的快速浏览。

¥If you're just discovering Strapi, we encourage you to read the Quick Start Guide as it not only presents how to install Strapi but also gives you a quick tour of the available features.