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¥Community & Support

Strapi 是一个开源项目(有关更多信息,请参阅 许可 文件)。核心项目以及文档和任何相关工具可以在 Strapi GitHub 组织中找到。

¥Strapi is an open-source project (see LICENSE file for more information). The core project, as well as the documentation and any related tool can be found in the Strapi GitHub organization.


¥Open-source & Contribution

由于 Strapi 与开源生态系统齐头并进,因此对贡献持开放态度。Strapi 团队感谢每一个贡献,无论是功能请求、错误报告还是拉取请求。以下 GitHub 存储库是开源且欢迎贡献的:

¥As it goes hand in hand with the open-source ecosystem, Strapi is open to contributions. The Strapi team appreciates every contribution, be it a feature request, bug report, or pull request. The following GitHub repositories are open-source and contributions-friendly:

  • strapi/strapi:Strapi 的主存储库,其中包含该项目的核心。你可以找到管理面板、核心插件、插件提供程序以及运行 Strapi 应用的整个代码。请阅读 文件以获取有关对主存储库的贡献的更多信息。

    ¥strapi/strapi: main repository of Strapi, which contains the core of the project. You can find the admin panel, core plugins, plugin providers, and the whole code that runs your Strapi application. Please read the file to have more information about contributions to the main repository.

  • strapi/documentation:包含 Strapi 的完整文档。请阅读 贡献指南 以了解有关 Strapi 文档贡献的更多信息。

    ¥strapi/documentation: contains the whole documentation of Strapi. Please read the contribution guide to have more information about contributions to the Strapi documentation.

  • strapi/design-system:是管理面板中使用的设计系统。它带来了不同管理插件之间的一致性。

    ¥strapi/design-system: is the design system that is used in the admin panel. It brings consistency between the different admin plugins.

  • strapi-community/awesome-strapi:包含社区构建的所有内容和所有托管插件。它被用作查找和提交新包(例如插件、中间件、钩子和 Strapi 核心的一般增强功能)的中心位置。

    ¥strapi-community/awesome-strapi: contains everything the community built and all managed plugins. It is used as a central place to find and submit new packages such as plugins, middlewares, hooks, and general enhancements to the core of Strapi.

Strapi 社区

¥Strapi Community

Strapi 是一个面向社区的项目,强调透明度。Strapi 团队热衷于与 Strapi 社区分享他们的愿景并共创 Strapi 的未来。这就是 路线图 打开的原因:由于所有见解都非常重要,并将有助于引导项目朝着正确的方向发展,因此非常欢迎任何社区成员在那里分享想法和意见。

¥Strapi is a community-oriented project with an emphasis on transparency. The Strapi team has at heart to share their vision and build the future of Strapi with the Strapi community. This is why the roadmap is open: as all insights are very important and will help steer the project in the right direction, any community member is most welcome to share ideas and opinions there.

社区成员还积极参与为整个社区提供大量有关 Strapi 的资源。你可以在 Strapi 网站上找到 教程,你也可以在其中创建自己的。此外,作为一个开源项目,Strapi 的文档对贡献开放(参见 开源与贡献)。

¥Community members also take great part in providing the whole community a plethora of resources about Strapi. You can find tutorials on the Strapi website, where you can also create your own. Also, as an open-source project, the documentation of Strapi is open to contributions (see Open-source & Contribution).

🤓 想加入社区吗?

你可以加入 GitHub论坛Discord,与其他社区成员和 Strapi 团队成员分享你的想法和意见。如果你正在寻找有关 Strapi 的新闻和更新,Twitter博客 是不错的起点!

¥You can join GitHub, the Forum, and the Discord to share your ideas and opinions with other community members and members of the Strapi team. If you're looking for news and updates about Strapi, Twitter and the blog are pretty good places to start!



Strapi 以免费和开源的方式提供给希望自行托管该软件的用户。当遇到问题或疑问时,论坛 是寻求帮助的首选。Strapi 社区和核心开发者都经常查看这个平台并回应帖子。

¥Strapi is offered as free and open-source for users who wish to self-host the software. When having an issue or a question, the forum is great first place to reach out for help. Both the Strapi community and core developers often check this platform and answer posts.

如需企业支持,请参阅我们的 企业支撑平台。请注意,你需要拥有有效的 Enterprise 许可证才能放置门票。

¥For enterprise support, please see our Enterprise Support platform. Please note that you will need to have an active Enterprise license to place tickets.