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Strapi 包括 2 个主要组件:

¥Strapi includes 2 main components:

  • Strapi 的后端部分是一个服务器,它接收请求并处理它们以返回响应,这些响应可以显示你通过内容类型生成器和内容管理器构建和保存的数据。后端服务器在 后端定制介绍 中有更详细的描述。后端服务器的大部分部分都可以定制。

    ¥The back-end part of Strapi is a server that receives requests and handles them to return responses that can surface the data you built and saved through the Content-Type Builder and Content Manager. The backend server is described in more details in the Backend Customization introduction. Most of the parts of the backend server can be customized.

  • Strapi 面向用户的前端部分称为管理面板。管理面板是图形用户界面 (GUI),用于构建数据结构、创建和管理内容以及执行可由内置或第 3 方插件管理的各种其他操作。管理面板的某些部分可以自定义。

    ¥The front-end, user-facing part of Strapi is called the admin panel. The admin panel is the graphical user interface (GUI) that you use to build a data structure, create and manage content, and perform various other actions that can be managed by built-in or 3rd-party plugins. Some parts of the admin panel can be customized.

从更大的角度来看,这就是 Strapi 在典型的通用设置中的集成方式:Strapi 包括两个部分:后端服务器和管理面板,并与数据库(存储数据)和显示数据的外部前端应用交互。Strapi 的两个部分都可以在一定程度上进行定制。

¥From a bigger picture, this is how Strapi integrates in a typical, generic setup: Strapi includes 2 parts, a back-end server and an admin panel, and interact with a database (which stores data) and an external, front-end application that displays your data. Both parts of Strapi can be customized to some extent.


¥Click on any of the following cards to learn more about customization possibilities:

👀 信息


¥Customizing the database or the external, front-end application are outside of the scope of the present documentation section.

  • 你可以通过阅读安装文档(其中列出了 支持的数据库)和配置文档(描述了如何对你的项目进行 配置数据库)来了解有关 Strapi 数据库使用情况的更多信息。

    ¥You can learn more about databases usage with Strapi by reading the installation documentation, which lists supported databases, and the configuration documentation, which describes how to configure a database with your project.

  • 你可以通过阅读 Strapi 的 集成页面 了解有关外部前端应用如何与 Strapi 交互的更多信息。

    ¥You can learn more about how external front-end applications can interact with Strapi by reading the Strapi's integration pages.