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Strapi 5 文档中有什么新功能?

¥What's new in Strapi 5 docs?

Strapi 5 带来了许多新功能和改进,此页面快速高亮了最重要的文档更改。

¥Strapi 5 brings many new features and improvements, and this page quickly highlights the most important documentation changes.

起草并发布 功能已完全重新设计。启用“草稿和发布”后,内容管理器编辑视图会显示 2 个不同的选项卡,一个用于草稿版本,一个用于已发布版本,两者都可以处理不同的内容。

¥ The Draft & Publish feature has been fully reworked. When Draft & Publish is enabled, the Content Manager edit view shows 2 different tabs, one for the draft version and one for the published version, and both can handle different content.

新的 内容历史记录 功能可让你从内容管理器中查看和恢复内容的先前版本。

¥ The new Content History feature allows you to view and restore previous versions of your content from the Content Manager.

新的 预览 功能允许你直接从 Strapi 的管理面板预览前端应用中的内容。

¥ The new Preview feature allows you to preview your content in your front end application directly from Strapi's admin panel.

Strapi 5 现在使用 documents 并引入了新的 文档服务 API 来取代 v4 中的实体服务 API,利用新的草稿和发布系统并为更多即将推出的功能铺平道路。

¥ Strapi 5 now use documents and introduces a new Document Service API to replace the Entity Service API from v4, leveraging the new Draft & Publish system and paving the way for more upcoming features.

REST APIGraphQL API 已更新,两者的响应数据格式均经过简化,并部分支持 GraphQL 的 Relay 样式查询。

¥ The REST API and GraphQL API have been updated, with a simplified response data format for both and partial support for Relay-style queries for GraphQL.

Strapi 客户端 库简化了与 Strapi 后端的交互,提供了一种获取、创建、更新和删除内容的方法。

¥ The Strapi Client library simplifies interactions with your Strapi back end, providing a way to fetch, create, update, and delete content.

插件 SDK 是一个新的 CLI 工具,可帮助你开发和发布 Strapi 插件。

¥ The Plugin SDK is a new CLI tool that helps you develop and publish Strapi plugins.

另一个全新的 CLI 升级工具 将帮助你迁移到 Strapi 的任何补丁、次要和主要版本,通过 codemods 自动执行大多数常见任务。

¥ Another whole new CLI upgrade tool will help you migrate to any patch, minor, and major version of Strapi, automating most of the common tasks through codemods.

此外,我们还准备了一些资源来帮助你 升级到 Strapi 5,包括 分步指南重大变更特定资源 列表,供你考虑升级到 Strapi 5 时阅读。

¥ Also, we have some resources ready to help you upgrade to Strapi 5, including a step-by-step guide, a list of breaking changes and specific resources to read for when you will consider upgrading to Strapi 5.

我们引入了新的标记系统来提供另一层信息架构。标签可以在每页的底部找到。单击标签将指向列出具有相同标签的所有页面的索引页。访问 /tags 页面可以看到所有可用标签的列表。

¥ We introduced a new tagging system to provide another layer of information architecture. Tags can be found at the bottom of each page. Clicking on a tag will point you to an index page listing all pages with the same tag. The list of all available tags is visible by visiting the /tags page.


¥ You will also soon find more official guides and more references to external resources (contributor documentation, design system documentation, and blog articles) throughout the docs pages.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,你可能已经注意到搜索栏现在位于左侧边栏并结合了 2 个按钮:左侧按钮 搜索触发常规搜索,而右侧部分是我们新的基于 AI 的聊天机器人!单击 询问 AI 以提出你的问题。聊天机器人保留了以前答案的上下文,因此只要你不关闭聊天机器人窗口,你就可以提出后续问题。

¥ Also, last but not least, you might have noticed that the search bar now sits in the left sidebar and combines 2 buttons: the left button, Search, triggers a regular search, while the right part is our new AI-based chatbot! Click Ask AI to ask your questions. The chatbot keeps the context of previous answers, so you can ask follow-up questions as long as you don't close the chatbot window.