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¥Creating content-types

✏️ 仅供开发

仅当你的 Strapi 应用位于开发环境中时,才能访问内容类型生成器来创建和更新内容类型,否则它将在其他环境中处于只读模式。

¥The Content-type Builder is only accessible to create and update content-types when your Strapi application is in a development environment, else it will be in a read-only mode in other environments.


¥The Content-type Builder allows to create new content-types: single and collection types. Although they are not proper content-types as they cannot exist independently, components can also be created through the Content-type Builder, in the same way as collection and single types.


¥Creating a new content-type

Content-type creationContent-type creation


¥Content types are created from the Content-type Builder's Collection types and Single types categories, both displayed in the Content-type Builder sub navigation.


¥To create a new content-type:

  1. 选择是要创建集合类型还是单一类型。

    ¥Choose whether you want to create a collection type or a single type.

  2. 在要创建的内容类型的类别中,单击“创建新集合/单一类型”。

    ¥In the category of the content-type you want to create, click on Create a new collection/single type.

  3. 在内容类型创建窗口中,在显示名称文本框中写入新内容类型的名称。

    ¥In the content-type creation window, write the name of the new content-type in the Display name textbox.

  4. 检查 API UID 以确保自动预填充的值正确。当在内容管理器中显示时,集合类型名称确实会自动复数。建议选择单数名称,但 API UID 字段允许修复任何复数错误。

    ¥Check the API UID to make sure the automatically pre-filled values are correct. Collection type names are indeed automatically pluralized when displayed in the Content Manager. It is recommended to opt for singular names, but the API UID field allows to fix any pluralization mistake.

  5. (可选)在“高级设置”选项卡中,配置新内容类型的可用设置:

    ¥(optional) In the Advanced Settings tab, configure the available settings for the new content-type:

    起草并发布勾选该复选框以允许内容类型的条目在发布之前作为草稿版本进行管理(请参阅 保存和发布内容)。
    本土化(如果安装了 国际化插件)勾选该复选框以允许将内容类型的条目转换为其他语言环境。
    审查工作流程Enterprise 勾选该复选框以允许通过定义的审核阶段管理内容类型的条目(参见 管理审核工作流程)。
  6. 单击继续按钮。

    ¥Click on the Continue button.

  7. 为你的内容类型添加并配置所选字段(参见 为内容类型配置字段)。

    ¥Add and configure chosen fields for your content-type (see Configuring fields for content-types).

  8. 单击“保存”按钮。

    ¥Click on the Save button.



¥New content-types are only considered created once they have been saved. Saving is only possible if at least one field has been added and properly configured. If these steps have not been done, a content-type cannot be created, listed in its category in the Content-type Builder, and cannot be used in the Content Manager.


¥Creating a new component

Component creationComponent creation


¥Components are created from the same-named category of the Content-type Builder's sub navigation.


¥To create a new component:

  1. 在内容类型生成器子导航的组件类别中,单击创建新组件。

    ¥In the Components category of the Content-type Builder sub navigation, click on Create a new component.

  2. 在组件创建窗口中,配置新组件的基本设置:

    ¥In the component creation window, configure the base settings of the new component:

    • 在名称文本框中写入组件的名称。

      ¥Write the name of the component in the Name textbox.

    • 选择一个可用类别,或在文本框中输入新类别名称来创建类别。

      ¥Select an available category, or enter in the textbox a new category name to create one.

    • (可选)选择代表新组件的图标。你可以使用搜索

      ¥(optional) Choose an icon representing the new component. You can use the search

Search icon


¥to find an icon instead of scrolling through the list. 3. Click on the Continue button. 4. Add and configure chosen fields for your component (see Configuring fields for content-types). 5. Click on the Save button.