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¥Managing content-types


仅当你的 Strapi 应用位于开发环境中时,才能访问内容类型生成器来创建和更新内容类型,否则它将在其他环境中处于只读模式。

¥The Content-type Builder is only accessible to create and update content-types when your Strapi application is in a development environment, else it will be in a read-only mode in other environments.


¥The Content-type Builder allows to manage any existing content-type or component, even if it is already being used in the Content Manager. They can only be managed one at a time.


¥To manage a content-type or a component, click on its name in the Collection types, Single types or Components category.


¥Editing content-types


¥Managing a content-type or component can include editing the general settings and the fields, but also deleting the whole content-type or component. For any chosen content-type or component, the right side of the Content-type Builder interface displays all available editing options.

Content-type Builder's edition interfaceContent-type Builder's edition interface
  • 在内容类型或组件的名称和可选描述旁边, 编辑按钮 1 允许访问内容类型或组件的 基本设置

    ¥Next to the name and optional description of the content-type or component, an Edit button 1 allows to access the basic settings of the content-type or component.

  • 在右上角:

    ¥In the top right corner:

    • 添加新/另一个字段和保存按钮 2 分别允许向内容类型或组件添加另一个字段(参见 为内容类型配置字段),或保存任何正在进行的修改。

      ¥the Add new/another field and Save buttons 2 allow to respectively add another field to the content-type or component (see Configuring fields for content-types), or save any ongoing modification.

    • 配置视图按钮允许访问视图配置界面(参见 配置编辑视图

      ¥the Configure the view button allows to access the view configuration interface (see Configuring the edit view)

  • 在之前的编辑选项下方,表格 3 列出了为内容类型或组件创建和配置的所有字段。从字段表中,可以:

    ¥Below the previous editing options, a table 3 lists all the fields created and configured for the content-type or component. From the fields table, it is possible to:

    • 点击编辑按钮 编辑字段

      ¥Click on the edit button to edit a field

    • 点击删除按钮删除字段

      ¥Click on the delete button to delete a field



¥Editing a field allows renaming it. However, keep in mind that regarding the database, renaming a field means creating a whole new field and deleting the former one. Although nothing is deleted from the database, the data that was associated with the former field name will not be accessible from the admin panel of your application anymore.


¥Editing content-type or component settings


¥The settings of a content-type or component can be edited through the Content-type Builder. There are two tabs available: Basic Settings and Advanced Settings.


¥Basic settings


¥The Basic Settings tab allows to edit the following properties of the content-type or component:

Content-type Builder's basic settingsContent-type Builder's basic settings
  • 显示名称:将在管理面板中显示的内容类型或组件的名称。

    ¥Display name: Name of the content-type or component as it will be displayed in the admin panel.

  • API ID(单数):将在 API 中使用的内容类型或组件的名称。它是根据显示名称自动生成的,但可以编辑。

    ¥API ID (singular): Name of the content-type or component as it will be used in the API. It is automatically generated from the display name, but can be edited.

  • API ID(复数):将在 API 中使用的内容类型或组件的复数名称。它是根据显示名称自动生成的,但可以编辑。

    ¥API ID (plural): Plural name of the content-type or component as it will be used in the API. It is automatically generated from the display name, but can be edited.

  • 类型:内容类型或组件的类型。它可以是 Collection 类型,也可以是 Single 类型。

    ¥Type: Type of the content-type or component. It can be either a Collection type or a Single type.


¥Advanced settings


¥The Advanced Settings tab allows to edit the following properties of the content-type or component:

Content-type Builder's advanced settingsContent-type Builder's advanced settings
  • 起草并发布:为内容类型或组件启用 起草并发布 功能。默认情况下它是禁用的。

    ¥Draft & Publish: Enable the Draft & Publish feature for the content-type or component. It is disabled by default.

  • 国际化:为内容类型或组件启用 国际化 功能。默认情况下它是禁用的。

    ¥Internationalization: Enable the Internationalization feature for the content-type or component. It is disabled by default.


¥Deleting content-types


¥Content types and components can be deleted through the Content-type Builder. Deleting a content-type automatically deletes all entries from the Content Manager that were based on that content-type. The same goes for the deletion of a component, which is automatically deleted from every content-type or entry where it was used.


¥To delete a content-type or component:

  1. 在内容类型生成器子导航中,单击要删除的内容类型或组件的名称。

    ¥In the Content-type Builder sub navigation, click on the name of the content-type or component to delete.

  2. 在所选内容类型或组件的版本界面中,单击内容类型或组件名称右侧的 编辑按钮。

    ¥In the edition interface of the chosen content-type or component, click on the Edit button on the right side of the content-type's or component's name.

  3. 在版本窗口中,单击删除按钮。

    ¥In the edition window, click on the Delete button.

  4. 在确认窗口中,确认删除。

    ¥In the confirmation window, confirm the deletion.


删除内容类型只会删除内容类型生成器中创建和可用的内容,并在一定程度上从 Strapi 应用的管理面板中删除。然而,基于该内容类型创建的所有数据都保留在数据库中。欲了解更多信息,请参阅相关的 GitHub 问题

¥Deleting a content-type only deletes what was created and available from the Content-type Builder, and by extent from the admin panel of your Strapi application. All the data that was created based on that content-type is however kept in the database. For more information, please refer to the related GitHub issue.