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Strapi 插件列表

¥List of Strapi plugins

Strapi 构建和维护扩展核心 Strapi 应用功能的插件。本节是预装插件和 Strapi 开发的附加插件的参考指南,这些插件在 市场 中可用。用户指南和开发者文档的相关部分中提供了有关插件的其他文档,但是,还提供了简短的插件描述、安装的插件如何工作以及对管理面板的更改。

¥Strapi builds and maintains plugins that extend the functionality of a core Strapi application. This section is a reference guide to the pre-installed plugins and additional plugins developed by Strapi, which are available in the Marketplace. Additional documentation on plugins is provided in the relevant sections of the User Guide and the Developer Documentation, however, a brief plugin description, how the installed plugin works, and changes to the admin panel is provided.

✏️ 注意
  • 某些 Strapi Starters 和模板可能会安装除下面列出的默认插件之外的其他插件。

    ¥Some Strapi Starters and Templates might install additional plugins beyond the default plugins listed below.

  • 如果插件选项仅适用于 企业版许可证,则在本参考指南中它们会标有 Enterprise

    ¥If plugin options are only available with an Enterprise edition license, they are marked with Enterprise in this reference guide.

  • 所有插件安装都可以在

    ¥All plugin installations can be confirmed in

Cog icon

管理面板中的设置 > 插件。

¥Settings > Plugins in the admin panel.


¥Pre-installed plugins


¥ Internationalization plugin

国际化插件默认安装在所有 v5 Strapi 应用上,但可以停用。

¥The Internationalization plugin is installed by default on all v5 Strapi applications, but it can be deactivated.

该插件用于管理不同语言的内容,称为 "locales"。使用国际化插件,可以:

¥This plugin is used to manage content in different languages, called "locales". With the Internationalization plugin, it is possible to:

  • 定义 Strapi 应用中应提供哪些区域设置,

    ¥define which locales should be available in the Strapi application,

  • 定义哪些内容类型和字段可以在不同的语言环境中翻译,或者只能在默认语言环境中使用,

    ¥define which content-types and fields can be translated in different locales, or should only be available in the default locale,

  • 翻译内容并单独管理每个区域设置。

    ¥translate content and manage each locale individually.

国际化插件会影响管理面板的多个部分。下表列出了安装插件后添加到 Strapi 应用的所有附加选项和设置。

¥The Internationalization plugin affects several parts of the admin panel. The table below lists all the additional options and settings that are added to a Strapi application once the plugin has been installed.

Section impactedOptions and settings
  • Addition of a new "Internationalization" setting sub-section, where locales can be added, edited or deleted from the application (see Configuring Internationalization locales).
    👉 Path reminder: Settings icon Settings > Global Settings > Internationalization

  • Addition of new permissions for administrator roles: access to Content-types, as well as possible actions on the Content-types, can be defined depending on the locale (see Configuring permissions).
    👉 Path reminder: Settings icon Settings > Administration panel

  • Addition of role-based permissions settings where the access for each user type can be enabled or restricted (see Configuring permissions).
    👉 Path reminder: Settings icon Settings > Administration panel > Roles > select role > Settings
Content-type Builder
Content Manager


¥ Users & Permissions plugin

所有 v5 Strapi 应用上都默认安装了用户和权限插件,但可以停用。

¥The Users & Permissions plugin is installed by default on all v5 Strapi applications, but can be deactivated.

该插件用于管理终端用户,终端用户使用使用 Strapi 应用创建和管理并显示在前端应用(例如网站、移动应用、连接设备等)上的内容。使用用户和权限插件,可以:

¥This plugin is used to manage end users, who consume the content that is created and managed with a Strapi application and displayed on a front-end application (e.g. website, mobile application, connected device, etc.). With the Users & Permissions plugin, it is possible to:

  • 根据通过插件提供的 "用户" 集合类型管理终端用户账户,

    ¥manage end users accounts, based on the "User" collection type available through the plugin,

  • 定义可用的终端用户角色及其相关权限,

    ¥define the available end-user roles and their related permissions,

  • 管理可用的提供者以使终端用户能够通过第三方提供者登录,

    ¥manage available providers to enable end users to login through third-party providers,

  • 配置针对终端用户的可用电子邮件模板(例如密码重置、电子邮件地址确认)。

    ¥configure available email templates aimed at the end users (e.g. password reset, email address confirmation).

用户和权限插件会影响管理面板的多个部分。下表列出了安装插件后添加到 Strapi 应用的所有附加选项和设置。

¥The Users & Permissions plugin impacts several parts of the admin panel. The table below lists all the additional options and settings that are added to a Strapi application once the plugin has been installed.

Section impactedOptions and settings
Content-type Builder
    Creation of a default collection type "User" which allows for the management of the end users, the end-user roles and their permissions. This collection type cannot be deleted and the composing fields cannot be edited, but the addition of new fields is possible.
Content Manager
    Addition of the default "User" collection type that allows for the management of end-user accounts (see Managing end-user accounts).
    • By default, the following fields are available: Username, Email, Password, as well as Confirmed and Blocked as boolean fields.
    • The "User" collection type has a relation established with the "Role" collection type. All end-user accounts must have a designated role: by default, the end user is attributed the end-user role set as default, but that role can be changed via the end-user entries directly in the Content Manager.


¥ Email plugin

电子邮件插件允许用户从服务器或外部提供者(例如 Sendgrid)发送电子邮件。电子邮件插件不可在管理面板中配置,但如果管理员已设置,用户可以测试电子邮件发送。有关电子邮件插件的更多信息,请参阅 开发者文档

¥The Email plugin allows users to send email from the server or from external providers such as Sendgrid. The Email plugin is not configurable in the admin panel, however users can test email delivery if it has been setup by an administrator. More information about the email plugin is available in the Developer Documentation.

Section impactedOptions and settings
  • Addition of "Email plugin" setting section, which contains a "Configuration" sub-section. In the Configuration section, only the email address field under "Test email delivery" is modifiable by users. A send test email button sends a test email.
  • Addition of "Email" to the permissions for authenticated and public users. In the Email section the ability to send emails via the API can be enabled or disabled.
    👉 Path reminder: Settings icon Settings > Users and Permissions > Roles


¥Additional plugins


¥ Documentation

文档插件使用开放 API 规范版本 3.0.1 自动生成 Strapi 应用中 API 的文档。安装文档插件后,可以在管理面板中的标题 "插件" 下找到该插件。文档插件可在应用内市场和 Strapi 市场 中找到。文档插件可以:

¥The Documentation plugin automates documentation for APIs in a Strapi application using the Open API specification version 3.0.1. When the Documentation plugin is installed it is available in the admin panel, under the heading "Plugins". The Documentation plugin is available in the in-app Marketplace and the Strapi Market. The Documentation plugin enables:

  • 打开 API 文档,

    ¥opening the API documentation,

  • 重新生成文档,

    ¥regenerating the documentation,

  • 限制对文档端点的访问。

    ¥restricting access to the documentation endpoint.

文档插件会影响管理面板的多个部分。下表列出了安装插件后添加到 Strapi 应用的所有附加选项和设置。

¥The Documentation plugin affects multiple parts of the admin panel. The table below lists all the additional options and settings that are added to a Strapi application once the plugin has been installed.

Section impactedOptions and settings
    Addition of a new Documentation option in the main navigation under the plugins heading, which contains links to open and refresh the documentation.
  • Addition of a "Documentation plugin" setting section, which controls whether the documentation endpoint is private or not.
    👉 Path reminder: Settings icon Settings > Documentation plugin

  • Activation of role based access control for accessing, updating, deleting, and regenerating the documentation. Administrators can authorize different access levels to different types of users in the Plugins tab and the Settings tab.
    👉 Path reminder: Settings icon Settings > Administration Panel > Roles

Gatsby 预览

¥ Gatsby preview

Gatsby 预览插件允许具有 Gatsby Cloud 账户的应用预览前端。Strapi Gatsby 预览插件可在应用内市场和 Strapi 市场 中找到。

¥The Gatsby preview plugin allows applications with Gatsby Cloud accounts to preview the front end. The Strapi Gatsby preview plugin is available in the in-app Marketplace and the Strapi Market.

Gatsby 预览插件会影响管理面板的多个部分。下表列出了安装插件后添加到 Strapi 应用的所有附加选项和设置。

¥The Gatsby preview plugin affects multiple parts of the admin panel. The table below lists all the additional options and settings that are added to a Strapi application once the plugin has been installed.

Section impactedOptions and settings
SettingsAddition of a "Gatsby preview plugin" setting section, enables/disables collection types and single types, and allows the Gatsby Content Sync URL to be added.
👉 Path reminder: Settings icon Settings > Gatsby preview plugin
Content ManagerAddition of the open Gatsby preview button in the right-side navigation.


GraphQL 插件在 Strapi 应用中启用 GraphQL 端点,并提供对 GraphQL Playground 的访问:一个基于浏览器的界面,可帮助编写 GraphQL 查询和数据探索。Strapi GraphQL 插件可在应用内市场和 Strapi 市场 中找到。

¥The GraphQL plugin enables GraphQL endpoints in a Strapi application, and gives access to the GraphQL Playground: a browser-based interface that assists in writing GraphQL queries and data exploration. The Strapi GraphQL plugin is available in the in-app Marketplace and the Strapi Market.

无法在管理面板中访问 GraphQL 插件。GraphQL Playground 可在 Strapi 应用中的 http://localhost:1337/graphql 处访问。有关使用 GraphQL API 的更多信息位于 API 参考开发者文档插件部分 中。

¥There is no access to the GraphQL plugin in the admin panel. The GraphQL Playground is accessible at http://localhost:1337/graphql in a Strapi application. More information on using the GraphQL API is located in the API reference and the Developer Documentation plugins section.



Strapi SEO 插件旨在改善你的应用 SEO。Strapi SEO 插件可在应用内市场和 Strapi 市场 中找到。安装后,该插件可在主导航中使用,并向内容类型生成器添加 2 个预构建组件 MetaSocial 和 Seo,这些组件可用作常规组件(参见 为内容类型配置字段)。

¥The Strapi SEO plugin is designed to improve your application SEO. The Strapi SEO plugin is available in the in-app Marketplace and the Strapi Market. Once installed, the plugin is available in the main navigation and adds 2 pre-built components MetaSocial and Seo to the Content-type Builder, which can be used as regular components (see Configuring fields for content-types).


¥With the plugin installed, it is possible to:

  • 导入默认的 Strapi SEO 和元社交组件,

    ¥import default Strapi SEO and meta-social components,

  • 管理元标题、元描述并预览内容,

    ¥manage the meta title, meta description, and preview the content,

  • 管理 Facebook 和 Twitter 的社交标签,

    ¥manage social tags for Facebook and Twitter,

  • 分析应用内容的 SEO。

    ¥analyze the SEO of the application content.

Strapi SEO 插件会影响管理面板的多个部分。下表列出了安装插件后添加到 Strapi 应用的所有附加选项和设置。

¥The Strapi SEO plugin affects multiple parts of the admin panel. The table below lists all the additional options and settings that are added to a Strapi application once the plugin has been installed.

Section impactedOptions and settings
Content Manager
  • Addition of SEO field to Collection Types with the SEO component.
  • Addition of SEO menu in the right-side navigation
  • Addition of Browser Preview and Social Preview buttons in the right-side navigation,
  • Addition of SEO Summary and link for details in the right-side navigation.
Content-type Builder
    Addition of shared - metaSocial and shared - seo components in the Content-type Builder sub navigation. The shared - metaSocial and shared - seo components can be added to a collection type or single type using the Plus icon Add another field button and adding an existing component (see Configuring fields for content-types).
Main navigation
    Addition of search icon SEO to the main navigation. By clicking on search icon SEO a list of Collection Types and Single Types, with the SEO status, is available.


Strapi Sentry 插件用于通过 Sentry 跟踪 Strapi 错误。Strapi Sentry 插件可在应用内市场和 Strapi 市场 中找到。安装插件后,可以:

¥The Strapi Sentry plugin is used to track Strapi errors with Sentry. The Strapi Sentry plugin is available in the in-app Marketplace and the Strapi Market. With the plugin installed it is possible to:

  • 当 Strapi 应用启动时初始化 Sentry 实例,

    ¥initialize a Sentry instance when a Strapi application starts,

  • 将应用端 API 遇到的错误发送给 Sentry,

    ¥send errors encountered in an application end API to Sentry,

  • 将有用的元数据附加到 Sentry 事件,以帮助调试,

    ¥attach useful metadata to Sentry events, to help with debugging,

  • 公开全局 Sentry 服务。

    ¥expose a global Sentry service.