管理面板 API 插件
¥Admin Panel API for plugins
Strapi plugin 可以与 后端 和 Strapi 应用的前端交互。管理面板 API 是关于前端部分的,即它允许插件自定义 Strapi 的 管理面板。
¥A Strapi plugin can interact with both the back end and the front end of a Strapi application. The Admin Panel API is about the front end part, i.e. it allows a plugin to customize Strapi's admin panel.
管理面板是一个 React 应用,可以嵌入其他 React 应用。这些其他 React 应用是每个 Strapi 插件的管理部分。
¥The admin panel is a React application that can embed other React applications. These other React applications are the admin parts of each Strapi plugin.
管理面板 API 包括:
¥The Admin Panel API includes:
导出所需接口的 入口文件,
¥an entry file which exports the required interface,
¥lifecycle functions and the
async function, -
以及几个 特定 API 供你的插件与管理面板交互。
¥and several specific APIs for your plugin to interact with the admin panel.
插件管理面板部分的整个代码可以位于 /strapi-admin.js|ts
或 /admin/src/index.js|ts
文件中。但是,建议将代码拆分到不同的文件夹中,就像 strapi generate plugin
CLI 生成器命令创建的 structure 一样。
¥The whole code for the admin panel part of your plugin could live in the /strapi-admin.js|ts
or /admin/src/index.js|ts
file. However, it's recommended to split the code into different folders, just like the structure created by the strapi generate plugin
CLI generator command.
¥Entry file
管理面板 API 的入口文件是 [plugin-name]/admin/src/index.js
¥The entry file for the Admin Panel API is [plugin-name]/admin/src/index.js
. This file exports the required interface, with the following functions available:
功能类型 | 可用功能 |
生命周期函数 | |
异步函数 | registerTrads |
¥Lifecycle functions
¥Type: Function
即使应用实际上是 bootstrapped 之前,也会调用此函数来加载插件。它将正在运行的 Strapi 应用作为参数 (app
¥This function is called to load the plugin, even before the app is actually bootstrapped. It takes the running Strapi application as an argument (app
¥Within the register function, a plugin can:
¥register itself so it's available to the admin panel
添加新链接到主导航(参见 菜单 API)
¥add a new link to the main navigation (see Menu API)
定义 注入区
¥define injection zones
¥Type: Function
¥Registers the plugin to make it available in the admin panel.
¥This function returns an object with the following parameters:
范围 | 类型 | 描述 |
id | 字符串 | 插件 ID |
name | 字符串 | 插件名称 |
injectionZones | 目的 | 可用 注入区 声明 |
某些参数可以从 package.json
¥Some parameters can be imported from the package.json
// Auto-generated component
import PluginIcon from './components/PluginIcon';
import pluginId from './pluginId'
export default {
register(app) {
to: `/plugins/${pluginId}`,
icon: PluginIcon,
intlLabel: {
id: `${pluginId}.plugin.name`,
defaultMessage: 'My plugin',
Component: async () => {
const component = await import(/* webpackChunkName: "my-plugin" */ './pages/App');
return component;
permissions: [], // array of permissions (object), allow a user to access a plugin depending on its permissions
id: pluginId,
¥Type: Function
公开引导函数,在所有插件都是 registered 后执行。
¥Exposes the bootstrap function, executed after all the plugins are registered.
¥Within the bootstrap function, a plugin can, for instance:
扩展另一个插件,¥extend another plugin, using
, -
注册钩子(参见 钩子 API),
¥register hooks (see Hooks API),
将操作和选项添加到内容管理器的列表视图和编辑视图(请参阅 内容管理器 API 页面 上的详细信息)。
¥add actions and options to the Content Manager's List view and Edit view (see details on the Content Manager APIs page).
module.exports = () => {
return {
// ...
bootstrap(app) {
// execute some bootstrap code
app.getPlugin('content-manager').injectComponent('editView', 'right-links', { name: 'my-compo', Component: () => 'my-compo' })
¥Async function
和 bootstrap()
是生命周期函数,而 registerTrads()
¥While register()
and bootstrap()
are lifecycle functions, registerTrads()
is an async function.
¥Type: Function
为了减少构建大小,管理面板默认仅附带 2 个区域设置(en
和 fr
¥To reduce the build size, the admin panel is only shipped with 2 locales by default (en
and fr
). The registerTrads()
function is used to register a plugin's translations files and to create separate chunks for the application translations. It does not need to be modified.
Example: Register a plugin's translation files
export default {
async registerTrads({ locales }) {
const importedTrads = await Promise.all(
locales.map(locale => {
return import(
/* webpackChunkName: "[pluginId]-[request]" */ `./translations/${locale}.json`
.then(({ default: data }) => {
return {
data: prefixPluginTranslations(data, pluginId),
.catch(() => {
return {
data: {},
return Promise.resolve(importedTrads);
¥Available actions
管理面板 API 允许插件利用几个小型 API 来执行操作。使用此表作为参考:
¥The Admin Panel API allows a plugin to take advantage of several small APIs to perform actions. Use this table as a reference:
行动 | 使用的 API | 使用功能 | 相关生命周期函数 |
添加新链接到主导航 | 菜单 API | addMenuLink() | register() |
创建一个新的设置部分 | 设置接口 | createSettingSection() | register() |
声明注入区 | 注入区 API | registerPlugin() | register() |
添加 reducer | Reducer API | addReducers() | register() |
创建一个钩子 | 钩子 API | createHook() | register() |
将单个链接添加到设置部分 | 设置接口 | addSettingsLink() | bootstrap() |
将多个链接添加到设置部分 | 设置接口 | addSettingsLinks() | bootstrap() |
在注入区注入组件 | 注入区 API | injectComponent() | bootstrap() |
将选项和操作添加到内容管理器的编辑视图和列表视图 | 内容管理器 API | bootstrap() | |
注册一个钩子 | 钩子 API | registerHook() | bootstrap() |
所见即所得编辑器可以通过利用 自定义字段 来替换,例如使用 CKEditor 自定义字段插件。
¥The WYSIWYG editor can be replaced by taking advantage of custom fields, for instance using the CKEditor custom field plugin.
管理面板支持 dotenv 变量。
¥The admin panel supports dotenv variables.
通过 process.env
¥All variables defined in a .env
file and prefixed by STRAPI_ADMIN_
are available while customizing the admin panel through process.env
菜单 API
¥Menu API
Menu API 允许插件通过 addMenuLink()
¥The Menu API allows a plugin to add a new link to the main navigation through the addMenuLink()
function with the following parameters:
范围 | 类型 | 描述 |
to | 字符串 | 链接应指向的路径 |
icon | React 组件 | 在主导航中显示的图标 |
intlLabel | 目的 | 链接的标签,遵循 React 国际化 约定,带有:
Component | 异步函数 | 返回插件入口点的动态导入 |
permissions | 对象数组 | 插件的 permissions.js 文件中声明的权限 |
position | 整数 | 菜单中的位置 |
licenseOnly | 布尔值 | 如果设置为 true ,则在图标或菜单项旁边添加一个闪电⚡️图标,以指示该功能或插件需要付费许可。(默认为 false ) |
是翻译文件中使用的 ID ([plugin-name]/admin/src/translations/[language].json
are ids used in translation files ([plugin-name]/admin/src/translations/[language].json
import PluginIcon from './components/PluginIcon';
export default {
register(app) {
to: '/plugins/my-plugin',
icon: PluginIcon,
intlLabel: {
id: 'my-plugin.plugin.name',
defaultMessage: 'My plugin',
Component: () => 'My plugin',
permissions: [], // permissions to apply to the link
position: 3, // position in the menu
licenseOnly: true, // mark the feature as a paid one not available in your license
app.registerPlugin({ ... });
bootstrap() {},
¥Settings API
设置 API 允许:
¥The Settings API allows:
¥adding a single link or multiple links at once to existing settings sections
添加新部分发生在 register 生命周期中,而添加链接发生在 bootstrap 生命周期中。
¥Adding a new section happens in the register lifecycle while adding links happens during the bootstrap lifecycle.
¥All functions accept links as objects with the following parameters:
范围 | 类型 | 描述 |
id | 字符串 | React ID |
to | 字符串 | 链接应指向的路径 |
intlLabel | 目的 | 链接的标签,遵循 React 国际化 约定,带有:
Component | 异步函数 | 返回插件入口点的动态导入 |
permissions | 对象数组 | 插件的 permissions.js 文件中声明的权限 |
licenseOnly | 布尔值 | 如果设置为 true ,则在图标或菜单项旁边添加一个闪电⚡️图标,以指示该功能或插件需要付费许可。(默认为 false ) |
¥Type: Function
¥Create a new settings section.
该函数有 2 个参数:
¥The function takes 2 arguments:
争论 | 类型 | 描述 |
第一个参数 | 目的 | 部分标签:
第二个参数 | 对象数组 | 该部分中包含的链接 |
是翻译文件中使用的 ID ([plugin-name]/admin/src/translations/[language].json
are ids used in translation files ([plugin-name]/admin/src/translations/[language].json
const myComponent = async () => {
const component = await import(
/* webpackChunkName: "users-providers-settings-page" */ './pages/Providers'
return component;
export default {
register(app) {
{ id: String, intlLabel: { id: String, defaultMessage: String } }, // Section to create
// links
intlLabel: { id: String, defaultMessage: String },
id: String,
to: String,
Component: myComponent,
permissions: Object[],
¥Type: Function
¥Add a unique link to an existing settings section.
const myComponent = async () => {
const component = await import(
/* webpackChunkName: "users-providers-settings-page" */ './pages/Providers'
return component;
export default {
bootstrap(app) {
// Adding a single link
'global', // id of the section to add the link to
intlLabel: { id: String, defaultMessage: String },
id: String,
to: String,
Component: myComponent,
permissions: Object[],
licenseOnly: true, // mark the feature as a paid one not available in your license
¥Type: Function
¥Add multiple links to an existing settings section.
const myComponent = async () => {
const component = await import(
/* webpackChunkName: "users-providers-settings-page" */ './pages/Providers'
return component;
export default {
bootstrap(app) {
// Adding several links at once
'global', // id of the section to add the link in
intlLabel: { id: String, defaultMessage: String },
id: String,
to: String,
Component: myComponent,
permissions: Object[],
licenseOnly: true, // mark the feature as a paid one not available in your license
注入区 API
¥Injection Zones API
注入区域是指视图布局的区域,其中一个插件允许另一个插件注入自定义 React 组件(例如按钮等 UI 元素)。
¥Injection zones refer to areas of a view's layout where a plugin allows another to inject a custom React component (e.g. a UI element like a button).
¥Plugins can use:
Strapi 的 预定义注入区 用于内容管理器,
¥Strapi's predefined injection zones for the Content Manager,
¥or custom injection zones, created by a plugin
注入区域在 register() 生命周期中定义,但组件在 bootstrap() 生命周期中注入。
¥Injection zones are defined in the register() lifecycle but components are injected in the bootstrap() lifecycle.
¥Using predefined injection zones
Strapi 管理面板带有预定义的注入区域,因此可以将组件添加到 内容管理者 的 UI 中:
¥Strapi admin panel comes with predefined injection zones so components can be added to the UI of the Content Manager:
看法 | 注入区名称和位置 |
列表显示 | actions :位于过滤器和齿轮图标之间 |
编辑视图 | right-links :位于 "配置视图" 和 "编辑" 按钮之间 |
¥Creating a custom injection zone
要创建自定义注入区域,请将其声明为带有 area
prop 的 <InjectionZone />
React 组件,该组件采用具有以下命名约定的字符串:plugin-name.viewName.injectionZoneName
¥To create a custom injection zone, declare it as a <InjectionZone />
React component with an area
prop that takes a string with the following naming convention: plugin-name.viewName.injectionZoneName
¥Injecting components
¥A plugin has 2 different ways of injecting a component:
函数¥to inject a component from a plugin into another plugin's injection zones, use the
function -
要专门将组件注入内容管理器的 预定义注入区 之一,请改用
函数¥to specifically inject a component into one of the Content Manager's predefined injection zones, use the
function instead
和 getPlugin('content-manager').injectComponent()
¥Both the injectComponent()
and getPlugin('content-manager').injectComponent()
methods accept the following arguments:
争论 | 类型 | 描述 |
第一个参数 | 字符串 | 组件注入的视图 |
第二个参数 | 字符串 | 注入组件的区域 |
第三个参数 | 目的 | 具有以下键的对象:
Example: Inject a component in the informations box of the Edit View of the Content Manager:
export default {
bootstrap(app) {
app.getPlugin('content-manager').injectComponent('editView', 'informations', {
name: 'my-plugin-my-compo',
Component: () => 'my-compo',
Example: Creating a new injection zone and injecting it from a plugin to another one:
// Use the injection zone in a view
import { InjectionZone } from '@strapi/helper-plugin';
const HomePage = () => {
return (
<h1>This is the homepage</h1>
<InjectionZone area="my-plugin.homePage.right" />
// Declare this injection zone in the register lifecycle of the plugin
export default {
register() {
// ...
injectionZones: {
homePage: {
right: []
// Inject the component from a plugin in another plugin
export default {
register() {
// ...
bootstrap(app) {
app.getPlugin('my-plugin').injectComponent('homePage', 'right', {
name: 'my-other-plugin-component',
Component: () => 'This component is injected',
使用 useCMEditViewDataManager
React hook 访问数据
¥Accessing data with the useCMEditViewDataManager
React hook
一旦定义了注入区域,内容管理器中要注入的组件就可以通过 useCMEditViewDataManager
React hook 访问编辑视图的所有数据。
¥Once an injection zone is defined, the component to be injected in the Content Manager can have access to all the data of the Edit View through the useCMEditViewDataManager
React hook.
Example of a basic component using the 'useCMEditViewDataManager' hook
import { useCMEditViewDataManager } from '@strapi/helper-plugin';
const MyCompo = () => {
const {
createActionAllowedFields: [], // Array of fields that the user is allowed to edit
formErrors: {}, // Object errors
readActionAllowedFields: [], // Array of field that the user is allowed to edit
slug: 'api::address.address', // Slug of the content-type
updateActionAllowedFields: [],
allLayoutData: {
components: {}, // components layout
contentType: {}, // content-type layout
initialData: {},
isCreatingEntry: true,
isSingleType: true,
status: 'resolved',
layout: {}, // Current content-type layout
hasDraftAndPublish: true,
modifiedData: {},
onPublish: () => {},
onUnpublish: () => {},
addComponentToDynamicZone: () => {},
addNonRepeatableComponentToField: () => {},
addRelation: () => {},
addRepeatableComponentToField: () => {},
moveComponentDown: () => {},
moveComponentField: () => {},
moveComponentUp: () => {},
moveRelation: () => {},
onChange: () => {},
onRemoveRelation: () => {},
removeComponentFromDynamicZone: () => {},
removeComponentFromField: () => {},
removeRepeatableField: () => {},
} = useCMEditViewDataManager()
return null
Reducer API
reducer 是 Redux reducer,可用于在组件之间共享状态。在以下情况下,Reducer 会很有用:
¥Reducers are Redux reducers that can be used to share state between components. Reducers can be useful when:
¥Large amounts of application state are needed in many places in the application.
¥The application state is updated frequently.
¥The logic to update that state may be complex.
可以在 register
生命周期期间使用 addReducers()
函数将 reducer 添加到插件接口。
¥Reducers can be added to a plugin interface with the addReducers()
function during the register
¥A reducer is declared as an object with this syntax:
import { exampleReducer } from './reducers'
const reducers = {
// Reducer Syntax
[`${pluginId}_exampleReducer`]: exampleReducer
export default {
register(app) {
bootstrap() {},
钩子 API
¥Hooks API
Hooks API 允许插件创建和注册钩子,即应用中插件可以添加个性化行为的位置。
¥The Hooks API allows a plugin to create and register hooks, i.e. places in the application where plugins can add personalized behavior.
Hooks 应在插件的 bootstrap 生命周期内注册。
¥Hooks should be registered during the bootstrap lifecycle of a plugin.
然后,Hook 可以串联、瀑布式或并行运行:
¥Hooks can then be run in series, in waterfall or in parallel:
returns an array corresponding to the result of each function executed, ordered -
返回一个与执行函数解析的 Promise 结果相对应的数组,有序¥
returns an array corresponding to the result of the promise resolved by the function executed, ordered -
returns a single value corresponding to all the transformations applied by the different functions starting with the initial valueargs
Example: Create a hook in a plugin and use it in another plugin
// Create a hook in a plugin
export default {
register(app) {
// Use the hook in another plugin
export default {
bootstrap(app) {
app.registerHook('My-PLUGIN/MY_HOOK', (...args) => {
// important: return the mutated data
return args
¥Predefined hooks
Strapi 包含一个预定义的 Admin/CM/pages/ListView/inject-column-in-table
钩子,可用于添加或改变 内容管理者 列表视图的列:
¥Strapi includes a predefined Admin/CM/pages/ListView/inject-column-in-table
hook that can be used to add or mutate a column of the List View of the Content Manager:
runHookWaterfall(INJECT_COLUMN_IN_TABLE, {
displayedHeaders: ListFieldLayout[],
layout: ListFieldLayout,
interface ListFieldLayout {
* The attribute data from the content-type's schema for the field
attribute: Attribute.Any | { type: 'custom' };
* Typically used by plugins to render a custom cell
cellFormatter?: (
data: Document,
header: Omit<ListFieldLayout, 'cellFormatter'>,
{ collectionType, model }: { collectionType: string; model: string }
) => React.ReactNode;
label: string | MessageDescriptor;
* the name of the attribute we use to display the actual name e.g. relations
* are just ids, so we use the mainField to display something meaninginful by
* looking at the target's schema
mainField?: string;
name: string;
searchable?: boolean;
sortable?: boolean;
interface ListLayout {
layout: ListFieldLayout[];
components?: never;
metadatas: {
[K in keyof Contracts.ContentTypes.Metadatas]: Contracts.ContentTypes.Metadatas[K]['list'];
options: LayoutOptions;
settings: LayoutSettings;
type LayoutOptions = Schema['options'] & Schema['pluginOptions'] & object;
interface LayoutSettings extends Contracts.ContentTypes.Settings {
displayName?: string;
icon?: never;
Strapi 还包括一个 Admin/CM/pages/EditView/mutate-edit-view-layout
钩子,可用于改变 内容管理者 的编辑视图:
¥Strapi also includes a Admin/CM/pages/EditView/mutate-edit-view-layout
hook that can be used to mutate the Edit View of the Content Manager:
interface EditLayout {
layout: Array<Array<EditFieldLayout[]>>;
components: {
[uid: string]: {
layout: Array<EditFieldLayout[]>;
settings: Contracts.Components.ComponentConfiguration['settings'] & {
displayName?: string;
icon?: string;
metadatas: {
[K in keyof Contracts.ContentTypes.Metadatas]: Contracts.ContentTypes.Metadatas[K]['edit'];
options: LayoutOptions;
settings: LayoutSettings;
interface EditFieldSharedProps extends Omit<InputProps, 'hint' | 'type'> {
hint?: string;
mainField?: string;
size: number;
unique?: boolean;
visible?: boolean;
* Map over all the types in Attribute Types and use that to create a union of new types where the attribute type
* is under the property attribute and the type is under the property type.
type EditFieldLayout = {
[K in Attribute.Kind]: EditFieldSharedProps & {
attribute: Extract<Attribute.Any, { type: K }>;
type: K;
type LayoutOptions = Schema['options'] & Schema['pluginOptions'] & object;
interface LayoutSettings extends Contracts.ContentTypes.Settings {
displayName?: string;
icon?: never;
和 ListViewLayout
是 useDocumentLayout
钩子的一部分(参见 源代码)。
and ListViewLayout
are parts of the useDocumentLayout
hook (see source code).