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如何为基于角色的访问控制 (RBAC) 创建自定义条件

¥How to create custom conditions for Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

基于角色的访问控制 (RBAC) 是一种限制某些用户访问的方法。在 Strapi 应用中,管理面板的用户是管理员。他们的角色和权限是 在管理面板中配置

¥Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is an approach to restricting access to some users. In a Strapi application, users of the admin panel are administrators. Their roles and permissions are configured in the admin panel.


¥Declaring new conditions

将单个条件声明为对象,将多个条件声明为对象数组。每个条件对象可以有 5 个可能的属性:

¥Declare a single condition as an object, and multiple conditions as an array of objects. Each condition object can have 5 possible properties:

  • displayName(字符串):管理面板中显示的条件名称,

    ¥displayName (string): the condition name as shown in the admin panel,

  • name(字符串):条件名称,烤肉串格式,

    ¥name (string): the condition name, kebab-cased,

  • category(字符串,可选):条件可分为可用类别 在管理面板中;如果未定义,则条件将出现在 "默认" 类别下,

    ¥category (string, optional): conditions can be grouped into categories available in the admin panel; if undefined, the condition will appear under the "Default" category,

  • plugin(字符串,可选):如果条件是由插件创建的,则应该是插件的名称,短横线格式(例如 content-manager),

    ¥plugin (string, optional): if the condition is created by a plugin, should be the plugin's name, kebab-cased (e.g content-manager),

  • handler:用于验证条件的函数(参见 使用条件处理程序

    ¥handler: a function used to verify the condition (see using the condition handler)

./src/index.js 中找到的全局 bootstrap 功能 中声明并注册条件(参见 注册条件)。

¥Declare and register conditions in the global bootstrap function found in ./src/index.js (see Registering conditions).


条件 name 属性充当其命名空间内的唯一 ID,如果定义了 plugin 属性,则为插件,或者根命名空间。

¥The condition name property acts as a unique id within its namespace, that is either the plugin if the plugin property is defined, or the root namespace.


¥Using the condition handler

条件可以应用于任何权限,条件 handler 用于验证条件。handler 是一个返回查询对象或布尔值的函数。

¥A condition can be applied to any permission, and the condition handler is used to verify the condition. The handler is a function returning a query object or a boolean value.

查询对象可用于验证你读取、创建、更新、删除或发布的实体的条件。他们使用 sift.js 库,但仅支持以下运算符:

¥Query objects are useful to verify conditions on the entities you read, create, update, delete or publish. They use the sift.js library, but only with the following supported operators:

  • $or

  • $and

  • $eq

  • $eqi

  • $ne

  • $in

  • $nin

  • $lt

  • $lte

  • $gt

  • $gte

  • $exists

  • $elemMatch

条件 handler 可以是同步或异步函数:

¥The condition handler can be a synchronous or asynchronous function that:

  • 接收发出请求的经过身份验证的用户,

    ¥receives the authenticated user making the request,

  • 并返回 truefalse 或查询对象。

    ¥and returns true, false, or a query object.

返回 truefalse 对于验证外部条件或经过身份验证的用户的条件很有用。例如,仅当服务器时间为下午 5 点时才允许访问管理面板中的页面的条件可以使用此处理程序:

¥Returning true or false is useful to verify an external condition or a condition on the authenticated user. For instance, a condition that allows access to a page in the admin panel only if server time is 5pm could use this handler:

handler: () => new Date().getHours() === 17;

handler 函数接收经过身份验证的用户,因此它可以验证用户的条件:

¥The handler function receives the authenticated user, so it can verify conditions on the user:

const condition = {

displayName: 'Email address from',
name: 'email-strapi-dot-io',
async handler(user) {

为了更精细的控制,handler 函数还可以返回一个查询对象:

¥For more granular control, the handler function can also return a query object:

const condition = {

displayName: 'price greater than 50',
name: 'price-gt-50',
async handler(user) {
return { price: { $gt: 50 } };


¥Registering conditions

要在管理面板中可用,应在 ./src/index 中找到的全局 bootstrap 功能 中声明和注册条件。使用 conditionProvider.register() 方法注册单个条件:

¥To be available in the admin panel, conditions should be declared and registered in the global bootstrap function found in ./src/index. Register a single condition with the conditionProvider.register() method:


module.exports = async () => {
displayName: 'Billing amount under 10K',
name: 'billing-amount-under-10k',
plugin: 'admin',
handler: { amount: { $lt: 10000 } },

要注册多个条件(定义为 条件对象 数组),请使用 conditionProvider.registerMany()

¥To register multiple conditions, defined as an array of condition objects, use conditionProvider.registerMany():


const conditions = [

displayName: "Entity has same name as user",
name: "same-name-as-user",
plugin: "name of a plugin if created in a plugin",
handler: (user) => {
return { name: };
displayName: "Email address from",
name: "email-strapi-dot-io",
async handler(user) {

module.exports = {
async bootstrap(/*{ strapi }*/) {
// do your boostrap
