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¥Data import

strapi import 命令用于从文件导入数据。默认情况下,strapi import 命令从加密和压缩的 tar.gz.enc 文件导入数据,其中包括:

¥The strapi import command is used to import data from a file. By default, the strapi import command imports data from an encrypted and compressed tar.gz.enc file which includes:

  • 项目配置,

    ¥the project configuration,

  • 实体:你的所有内容,

    ¥entities: all of your content,

  • 链接:你的实体之间的关系,

    ¥links: relations between your entities,

  • 资源:文件存储在上传文件夹中,

    ¥assets: files stored in the uploads folder,

  • 模式,


  • metadata.json 文件。

    ¥the metadata.json file.

以下文档详细介绍了自定义数据导入的可用选项。导入命令和所有可用选项均使用 Strapi 命令行接口

¥The following documentation details the available options to customize your data import. The import command and all of the available options are run using the Strapi CLI.

  • strapi import 在导入备份文件之前删除所有现有数据,包括数据库和上传目录。

    ¥strapi import deletes all existing data, including the database and uploads directory, before importing the backup file.

  • 源架构和目标架构必须匹配才能成功使用 strapi import,这意味着所有内容类型必须相同。

    ¥The source and target schemas must match to successfully use strapi import, meaning all content types must be identical.

  • 恢复的数据不包括 Admin users 表,这意味着恢复的实例中 createdByupdatedBy 为空。

    ¥Restored data does not include the Admin users table, which means that createdBy and updatedBy are empty in a restored instance.


¥Specify the import file

要将数据导入 Strapi 实例,请在目标项目根目录中使用 strapi import 命令。使用 -f--file 选项指定要导入的文件。文件名、扩展名和路径是必需的。如果文件已加密,系统会在导入开始之前提示你输入加密密钥。

¥To import data into a Strapi instance use the strapi import command in the destination project root directory. Specify the file to be imported using the -f or --file option. The filename, extension, and path are required. If the file is encrypted, you are prompted for the encryption key before the import starts.

示例:从 Strapi 项目根目录中的文件导入数据的最少命令

¥Example: Minimum command to import data from a file in the Strapi project root

yarn strapi import -f /path/to/my/file/export_20221213105643.tar.gz.enc


¥Provide an encryption key

如果要从加密文件导入数据,则可以使用 strapi import 命令通过 -k--key 选项传递加密密钥。

¥If you are importing data from an encrypted file the encryption key can be passed with the strapi import command by using the -k or --key option.

示例:使用 strapi import 命令传递加密密钥

¥Example: Pass the encryption key with the strapi import command

yarn strapi import -f /path/to/my/file/export_20221213105643.tar.gz.enc --key my-encryption-key


¥Bypass all command line prompts

使用 strapi import 命令时,需要确认导入会删除现有数据库内容。--force 标志允许你绕过此提示。此选项对于以编程方式实现 strapi import 很有用。对于编程使用,你还必须为加密文件传递 --key 选项。

¥When using the strapi import command, you are required to confirm that the import will delete the existing database contents. The --force flag allows you to bypass this prompt. This option is useful for implementing strapi import programmatically. For programmatic use, you must also pass the --key option for encrypted files.

--force 选项示例

¥Example of the --force option

yarn strapi import -f /path/to/my/file/export_20221213105643.tar.gz.enc --force --key my-encryption-key


¥Exclude data types during import

默认 strapi import 命令导入你的内容(实体和关系)、文件(资源)、项目配置和架构。--exclude 选项允许你通过以逗号分隔的字符串传递这些项目来排除内容、文件和项目配置,类型之间不带空格。你无法排除架构,因为架构匹配用于 strapi import

¥The default strapi import command imports your content (entities and relations), files (assets), project configuration, and schemas. The --exclude option allows you to exclude content, files, and the project configuration by passing these items in a comma-separated string with no spaces between the types. You can't exclude the schemas, as schema matching is used for strapi import.


任何从导入中排除的类型都将在你的目标实例中删除。例如,如果你排除 config,则目标实例中的项目配置将被删除。

¥Any types excluded from the import will be deleted in your target instance. For example, if you exclude config the project configuration in your target instance will be deleted.


图片等媒体由文件(资源)和数据库中的实体组成。如果你使用 --exclude 标志来删除资源,数据库记录仍然包含在内,并且可能渲染为损坏的链接。

¥Media such as images consist of the file (asset) and the entity in the database. If you use the --exclude flag to remove assets, the database records are still included, and could render as broken links.


¥Example: exclude assets from an import

yarn strapi import -f /path/to/my/file/export_20221213105643.tar.gz.enc --exclude files


¥Include only specified data types during import

默认 strapi import 命令导入你的内容(实体和关系)、文件(资源)、项目配置和架构。--only 选项允许你通过传递逗号分隔的字符串(类型之间不带空格)来仅导出列出的项目。可用值为 contentfilesconfig。始终导入架构,因为架构匹配用于 strapi import

¥The default strapi import command imports your content (entities and relations), files (assets), project configuration, and schemas. The --only option allows you to export only the listed items by passing a comma-separated string with no spaces between the types. The available values are content, files, and config. Schemas are always imported, as schema matching is used for strapi import.


图片等媒体由文件(资源)和数据库中的实体组成。如果你使用 --only 标志导入 content,资源数据库记录仍然包含在内,并且可能渲染为损坏的链接。

¥Media such as images consist of the file (asset) and the entity in the database. If you use the --only flag to import content the asset database records are still included, and could render as broken links.


¥Example: import only the project configuration

yarn strapi import -f /path/to/my/file/export_20221213105643.tar.gz.enc --only config