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Strapi 5 中的文档是仅限 API 的概念。文档代表内容类型给定条目的所有不同内容变体。

¥A document in Strapi 5 is an API-only concept. A document represents all the different variations of content for a given entry of a content-type.


¥A single type contains a unique document, and a collection type can contain several documents.

当你使用管理面板时,文档的概念从未被提及,并且对于终端用户来说不是必需的。用户在 内容管理者 中创建和编辑条目。例如,作为用户,你可以列出给定语言环境的条目,也可以编辑给定语言环境中特定条目的草稿版本。

¥When you use the admin panel, the concept of a document is never mentioned and not necessary for the end user. Users create and edit entries in the Content Manager. For instance, as a user, you either list the entries for a given locale, or edit the draft version of a specific entry in a given locale.

但是,在 API 级别,条目字段的值实际上可以具有:

¥However, at the API level, the value of the fields of an entry can actually have:

  • 英语和法语语言环境的内容不同,

    ¥different content for the English and the French locale,

  • 甚至在每个语言环境中为草稿和已发布版本设置不同的内容。

    ¥and even different content for the draft and published version in each locale.


¥The bucket that includes the content of all the draft and published versions for all the locales is a document.

使用 文档服务 API 操作文档将帮助你创建、检索、更新和删除文档或它们包含的特定数据子集。

¥Manipulating documents with the Document Service API will help you create, retrieve, update, and delete documents or a specific subset of the data they contain.

下图表示内容的所有可能变化,具体取决于为内容类型启用了哪些功能(例如 国际化(i18n)起草并发布):

¥The following diagrams represent all the possible variations of content depending on which features, such as Internationalization (i18n) and Draft & Publish, are enabled for a content-type:

  • 如果在内容类型上启用了国际化(i18n)功能,则文档可以有多个文档语言环境。

    ¥If the Internationalization (i18n) feature is enabled on the content-type, a document can have multiple document locales.

  • 如果在内容类型上启用了草稿和发布功能,则文档可以具有已发布版本和草稿版本。

    ¥If the Draft & Publish feature is enabled on the content-type, a document can have a published and a draft version.

🤓 用于查询文档数据的 API


¥To interact with documents or the data they represent:

  • 从后端服务器(例如,从控制器、服务和插件的后端部分)使用 文档服务 API

    ¥From the back-end server (for instance, from controllers, services, and the back-end part of plugins), use the Document Service API.

  • 从应用的前端部分,使用 REST APIGraphQL API 查询数据。

    ¥From the front-end part of your application, query your data using the REST API or the GraphQL API.

有关 API 的更多信息,请参阅 内容 API 介绍

¥For additional information about the APIs, please refer to the Content API introduction.

👀 返回结果中的默认版本

后端和前端 API 之间的一个重要区别是关于未传递参数时返回的默认版本:

¥An important difference between the back-end and front-end APIs is about the default version returned when no parameter is passed:

  • 文档服务 API 默认返回草稿版本,

    ¥The Document Service API returns the draft version by default,

  • 而 REST 和 GraphQL API 默认返回已发布的版本。

    ¥while REST and GraphQL APIs return the published version by default.