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¥Database transactions



¥This is an experimental feature and is subject to change in future versions.

Strapi 5 提供一个 API 来将一组操作封装在一个事务中,以确保数据的完整性。

¥Strapi 5 provide an API to wrap a set of operations in a transaction that ensures the integrity of data.


¥Transactions are a set of operations that are executed together as a single unit. If any of the operations fail, the entire transaction fails and the data is rolled back to its previous state. If all operations succeed, the transaction is committed and the data is permanently saved to the database.



事务通过将处理程序函数传递到 strapi.db.transaction 来处理:

¥Transactions are handled by passing a handler function into strapi.db.transaction:

await strapi.db.transaction(async ({ trx, rollback, commit, onCommit, onRollback }) => {
// It will implicitly use the transaction
await strapi.entityService.create();
await strapi.entityService.create();


¥After the transaction handler is executed, the transaction is committed if all operations succeed. If any of the operations throws, the transaction is rolled back and the data is restored to its previous state.

✏️ 注意

在事务块中执行的每个 strapi.entityServicestrapi.db.query 操作都将隐式使用该事务。

¥Every strapi.entityService or strapi.db.query operation performed in a transaction block will implicitly use the transaction.


¥Transaction handler properties


¥The handler function receives an object with the following properties:

trx事务对象。它可用于在事务中执行 knex 查询。


¥Nested transactions


¥Transactions can be nested. When a transaction is nested, the inner transaction is committed or rolled back when the outer transaction is committed or rolled back.

await strapi.db.transaction(async () => {
// It will implicitly use the transaction
await strapi.entityService.create();

// Nested transactions will implicitly use the outer transaction
await strapi.db.transaction(async ({}) => {
await strapi.entityService.create();

onCommit 和 onRollback

¥onCommit and onRollback

onCommitonRollback 钩子可用于在事务提交或回滚后执行代码。

¥The onCommit and onRollback hooks can be used to execute code after the transaction is committed or rolled back.

await strapi.db.transaction(async ({ onCommit, onRollback }) => {
// It will implicitly use the transaction
await strapi.entityService.create();
await strapi.entityService.create();

onCommit(() => {
// This will be executed after the transaction is committed

onRollback(() => {
// This will be executed after the transaction is rolled back

使用 knex 查询

¥Using knex queries

事务也可以与 knex 查询一起使用,但在这些情况下必须明确调用 .transacting(trx)

¥Transactions can also be used with knex queries, but in those cases .transacting(trx) must be explicitly called.

await strapi.db.transaction(async ({ trx, rollback, commit }) => {
await knex('users').where('id', 1).update({ name: 'foo' }).transacting(trx);


¥When to use transactions


¥Transactions should be used in cases where multiple operations should be executed together and their execution is dependent on each other. For example, when creating a new user, the user should be created in the database and a welcome email should be sent to the user. If the email fails to send, the user should not be created in the database.


¥When not to use transactions


¥Transactions should not be used for operations that are not dependent on each other since it can result in performance penalties.


¥Potential problems of transactions


¥Performing multiple operations within a transaction can lead to locking, which can block the execution of transactions from other processes until the original transaction is complete.


¥Furthermore, transactions can stall if they are not committed or rolled back appropriately.


¥For example, if a transaction is opened but there is a path in your code that does not close it, the transaction will be left open indefinitely and could cause instability until your server is restarted and the connection is forced to close. These issues can be difficult to debug, so use transactions with care in the cases they are necessary.