查询引擎 API
¥Query Engine API
Strapi 后端提供了一个查询引擎 API 来与更底层的数据库层进行交互。
¥The Strapi backend provides a Query Engine API to interact with the database layer at a lower level.
在大多数情况下,你不应使用查询引擎 API,而应使用 文档服务 API。
¥In most cases you should not use the Query Engine API and rather use the Document Service API.
仅当你确切知道自己在做什么时才使用查询引擎 API,例如,如果你想使用直接与数据库的唯一行交互的底层 API。
¥Only use the Query Engine API if you exactly know what you are doing, for instance if you want to use a lower-level API that directly interacts with unique rows of the database.
请记住,查询引擎 API 不了解最高级的 Strapi 5 功能,如草稿和发布、国际化、内容历史记录等。
¥Please keep in mind that the Query Engine API is not aware of the most advanced Strapi 5 features like Draft & Publish, Internationalization, Content History, and possibly more.
在深入了解查询引擎 API 文档之前,建议你阅读以下介绍:
¥Before diving deeper into the Query Engine API documentation, it is recommended that you read the following introductions:
和 内容 API 介绍。
¥and the Content APIs introduction.
¥Basic usage
查询引擎可通过 strapi.db.query
¥The Query Engine is available through strapi.db.query
strapi.db.query('api::blog.article').findMany({ // uid syntax: 'api::api-name.content-type-name'
where: {
title: {
$startsWith: '2021',
$endsWith: 'v4',
populate: {
category: true,
¥Available operations
¥The Query Engine allows the following operations on database entries:
Single operations
Create, read, update, and delete single database entries with the Query Engine API.
Bulk operations
Create, read, update, and delete multiple database entries with the Query Engine API.
Get exactly what you need by filtering database entries with the Query Engine API.
Get additional data with your Query Engine API queries by populating relations.
Order & Pagination
Sort and paginate the results of your Query Engine API queries.