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v4 代码迁移:更新 webpack 配置

¥v4 code migration: Updating the webpack configuration

本指南是 v4 代码迁移指南 的一部分,旨在帮助你将 Strapi 应用的代码从 v3.6.x 迁移到 v4.0.x

¥This guide is part of the v4 code migration guide designed to help you migrate the code of a Strapi application from v3.6.x to v4.0.x

🤓 v3/v4 比较

在 Strapi v3 和 v4 中,webpack 配置都是可定制的。

¥In both Strapi v3 and v4, the webpack configuration is customizable.

在 Strapi v4 中,使用了 Webpack v5,webpack 开发服务器仅监视 ./src/admin/app.js./src/admin/extensions 文件夹下的文件(请参阅 管理面板定制 文档)。

¥In Strapi v4, webpack v5 is used, and only ./src/admin/app.js and the files under the ./src/admin/extensions folder are being watched by the webpack dev server (see admin panel customization documentation).

☑️ Prerequisites

在迁移之前确保 webpack 插件和加载器已升级到最新版本。

¥Make sure webpack plugins and loaders are upgraded to the latest version before migrating.

要将 webpack 配置更新到 Strapi v4:

¥To update the webpack configuration to Strapi v4:

  1. ./src/admin/webpack.config.example.js 重命名为 ./src/admin/webpack.config.js

    ¥Rename the ./src/admin/webpack.config.example.js to ./src/admin/webpack.config.js.

  2. ./admin/admin.config.js 的内容从 Strapi v3 应用复制到 ./src/admin/webpack.config.js

    ¥Copy the content of ./admin/admin.config.js from the Strapi v3 application to ./src/admin/webpack.config.js.

Example of a webpack configuration file in Strapi v4:

'use strict';

// WARNING: the admin panel now uses webpack 5 to bundle the application.

module.exports = (config, webpack) => {
// Note: we provide webpack above so you should not `require` it
// Perform customizations to webpack configuration
config.plugins.push(new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/\/__tests__\//));
// Important: return the modified configuration
return config;