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12 docs tagged with "deployment"

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Command Line Interface (CLI)

Strapi Cloud comes with a Command Line Interface (CLI) which allows you to log in and out, and to deploy a local project without it having to be hosted on a remote git repository. The CLI works with both the yarn and npm package managers.


Configure your own database on Strapi Cloud.

Project deployment

Learn how to deploy your Strapi application on Strapi Cloud, via the Cloud dashboard or the CLI.

Welcome to the Strapi Cloud Docs!

The Strapi Cloud documentation contains all technical documentation related to the setup, deployment, update and customization of your Strapi Cloud account and applications.

with Cloud CLI

Learn how to deploy your Strapi application via the CLI.


查找你在使用 Strapi 时可能遇到的最常见问题的一些答案和解决方案。


了解有关在各种情况下部署 Strapi 管理面板的更多信息。


Strapi 旨在安装在本地计算机上,然后进行配置,最后部署到远程环境。


了解如何使用 Strapi 进行本地开发以及如何使用各种托管选项部署 Strapi。