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Apollo Server v3 升级到 Apollo Server v4

¥Apollo Server v3 upgraded to Apollo Server v4

Strapi 5 已迁移到 Apollo Server v4,这可能需要一些手动迁移步骤。

¥Strapi 5 has migrated to Apollo Server v4 and this might require some manual migration steps.

此页面是 重大变更数据库 的一部分,提供有关重大更改的信息以及从 Strapi v4 迁移到 Strapi 5 的其他说明。

¥This page is part of the breaking changes database and provides information about the breaking change and additional instructions to migrate from Strapi v4 to Strapi 5.

🔌 此重大更改是否会影响插件?
🤖 此重大更改是否由 codemod 自动处理?


¥Breaking change description

在 Strapi v4 中

¥In Strapi v4

GraphQL 服务器的 Apollo Server v3 和 GraphQL 模块的 graphql ^15。

¥Apollo Server v3 for the GraphQL server and graphql ^15 for the GraphQL module.

在 Strapi 5 中

¥In Strapi 5

GraphQL 服务器的 Apollo Server v4 和 GraphQL 模块的 graphql ^16。

¥Apollo Server v4 for the GraphQL server and graphql ^16 for the GraphQL module.




¥This section regroups useful notes and procedures about the introduced breaking change.



  • 由于 Apollo 在 v4 中引入了重大更改,Strapi 会自动在 Apollo 服务器配置中设置 status400ForVariableCoercionErrors: true。此行为在 Apollo v5 中将再次成为默认行为。

    ¥Strapi automatically sets status400ForVariableCoercionErrors: true in the Apollo Server configuration due to a breaking change introduced by Apollo in v4. This behavior will be the default again in Apollo v5.

  • Strapi 5 将 graphql 包从 ^15 升级到 ^16,并且任何项目只能包含一个版本。因此,依赖于 graphql:15 的用户代码或插件需要使用与 Strapi 相同的版本范围。

    ¥Strapi 5 upgraded the package graphql from ^15 to ^16, and only one version can be included in any project. Therefore, user code or plugins relying on graphql:15 need to use the same version range as Strapi.

  • 有关升级到 Apollo Server v4 的指导,请参阅以下手动迁移部分。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 Apollo v4 迁移 文档。

    ¥For guidance on upgrading to Apollo Server v4, please refer to the following Manual migration section. For more detailed information, consult the Apollo v4 migration documentation.


¥Manual migration

要迁移到 Strapi 5:

¥To migrate to Strapi 5:

  • 设置 x-apollo-operation-name 标头或通过在 GraphQL 插件配置中将 csrfPrevention: false 添加到 apolloServer 来禁用多部分消息(文件上传)的新保护。

    ¥Set the x-apollo-operation-name header or disable the new protection by adding csrfPrevention: false to apolloServer in the GraphQL plugin configuration for multipart messages (file uploads).

  • ApolloError 替换为 GraphQLError

    ¥Replace ApolloError with GraphQLError.

  • 删除属性(适用于查询和突变响应):

    ¥Remove root level configuration options like formatResponse and replace them with plugin hooks in the plugins array.

  • 删除 i18n 插件依赖,因为 i18n 现在已集成到 Strapi 的核心中

    ¥Remove the modules configuration option and split it into typeDefs and resolvers.

  • debug 替换为 includeStacktraceInErrorResponses

    ¥Replace debug with includeStacktraceInErrorResponses.