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¥Entity Service deprecated

Strapi v4 中使用的实体服务已被弃用,并由 Strapi 5 中的新 文档服务 API 取代。


¥This section regroups useful notes and procedures about the introduced breaking change.

¥The Entity Service that was used in Strapi v4 is deprecated and replaced by the new Document Service API in Strapi 5.


¥This section regroups useful notes and procedures about the introduced breaking change.

🔌 此重大更改是否会影响插件?
🤖 此重大更改是否由 codemod 自动处理?部分


¥Breaking change description

在 Strapi v4 中

¥In Strapi v4

实体服务 API 是用于与你的内容类型交互的首选 API。

¥The Entity Service API is the go-to API to use to interact with your content-types.

在 Strapi 5 中

¥In Strapi 5

文档服务 API 取代了 Strapi v4 中的实体服务 API。

¥The Document Service API replaces the Entity Service API from Strapi v4.




¥This section regroups useful notes and procedures about the introduced breaking change.



以下是使用文档服务 API 而不是 Strapi v4 中的实体服务 API 时需要考虑的主要主题:

¥The following are the main topics to take into account when using the Document Service API instead of the Entity Service API from Strapi v4:

  • 文档服务 API 需要 documentId 属性。
    此重大更改还会影响 REST 和 GraphQL API( 参见 相关的重大变更条目)。为了简化向 Strapi 5 的过渡,文档服务 API 响应除了新的 documentId 字段外,还包含 id 字段。:::

    ¥The Document Service API expects a documentId property.
    This breaking change also affects the REST and GraphQL APIs ( see the related breaking change entry).


    To ease the transition to Strapi 5, Document Service API responses still include id fields in addition to the new documentId fields.

  • Strapi v4 和 Strapi 5 中 findMany() 函数返回的响应不同:

    ¥The response returned by the findMany() function is different in Strapi v4 and Strapi 5:

在 Strapi v4 中:

¥In Strapi v4:

Entity Service API 中的 findMany() 函数为单一类型返回单个项目。

¥The findMany() function from the Entity Service API returns a single item for single types.

在 Strapi 5 中:

¥In Strapi 5:

文档服务中的 findMany() 功能 API 始终返回数组。

要获取单个项目,请从返回的数组中提取第一个项目,或使用 findFirst() 函数

¥The findMany() function from the Document Service API always returns arrays.

To get a single item, extract the first item from the returned array, or use the findFirst() function.

  • Strapi 5 中不再有 findPage() 方法。
    参见 相关的重大变更条目

    ¥There is no findPage() method anymore in Strapi 5.
    see the related breaking change entry.

  • 起草并发布 功能已在 Strapi 5 中更新,这反映在文档服务 API 中:

    ¥The Draft & Publish feature has been updated in Strapi 5 and this is reflected in the Document Service API:

  • Document Service API 的 delete() 功能 返回受影响条目的列表(可以一次删除多个语言环境),而 Strapi v4 中的 delete() 函数仅返回已删除的条目。

    ¥The delete() function of the Document Service API returns a list of affected entries (multiple locales can be deleted all at once), while the delete() function from Strapi v4 returns only the deleted entry.

  • 实体服务装饰器不再可用,必须改用 文档服务中间件

    ¥Entity Service decorators can not be used anymore, and Document Service middlewares must be used instead.

  • 文档服务 API 不支持文件上传。

    ¥The Document Service API does not support file uploads.


¥Migration procedure

使用 升级工具 时,迁移部分由 codemod 处理。

¥The migration is partially handled by a codemod when using the upgrade tool.

实体服务 API 到文档服务 API 迁移参考 提供了有关 codemod 处理哪些方面以及哪些用例需要手动迁移的更多信息。

¥ The Entity Service API to Document Service API migration reference gives additional information about which aspects are handled by the codemod and which use cases require manual migration.