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REST API:过滤、语言环境和状态

¥REST API: Filtering, Locale, and Status

REST API 能够过滤通过 "获取条目" 方法找到的结果。
使用可选的 Strapi 功能可以提供更多过滤器:

¥The REST API offers the ability to filter results found with its "Get entries" method.
Using optional Strapi features can provide some more filters:


Strapi 利用 qs 解析嵌套对象的能力来创建更复杂的查询。

¥Strapi takes advantage of the ability of the qs library to parse nested objects to create more complex queries.

直接使用 qs 生成复杂的查询,而不是手动创建它们。本文档中的示例展示了如何使用 qs

¥Use qs directly to generate complex queries instead of creating them manually. Examples in this documentation showcase how you can use qs.

如果你更喜欢使用我们的在线工具而不是在计算机上使用 qs 生成查询,你也可以使用 交互式查询构建器

¥You can also use the interactive query builder if you prefer playing with our online tool instead of generating queries with qs on your machine.



查询可以接受具有以下语法的 filters 参数:

¥Queries can accept a filters parameter with the following syntax:

GET /api/:pluralApiId?filters[field][operator]=value


¥The following operators are available:

$or连接 "or" 表达式中的过滤器
$and连接 "and" 表达式中的过滤器
$not连接 "not" 表达式中的过滤器

默认情况下,只能从内容类型生成器和 CLI 生成的 find 端点使用过滤器。

¥By default, the filters can only be used from find endpoints generated by the Content-type Builder and the CLI.

示例:查找名字为 '约翰' 的用户

¥Example: Find users having 'John' as a first name

你可以使用 $eq 过滤运算符来查找完全匹配。

¥You can use the $eq filter operator to find an exact match.

Find users having 'John' as first name

GET /api/users?filters[username][$eq]=John

JavaScript 查询(使用 qs 库构建):

¥JavaScript query (built with the qs library):

上面的查询 URL 是使用 qs 构建的。qs 可以在你的计算机上本地运行,如以下代码示例所示,或者你也可以使用我们的 交互式查询构建器 在线工具。

¥The query URL above was built using the qs library. qs can be run locally on your machine, as shown in the following code example, or you can use our interactive query builder online tool.

const qs = require('qs');
const query = qs.stringify({
filters: {
username: {
$eq: 'John',
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true, // prettify URL

await request(`/api/users?${query}`);
Example response
"data": [
"id": 1,
"documentId": "znrlzntu9ei5onjvwfaalu2v",
"username": "John",
"email": "",
"provider": "local",
"confirmed": true,
"blocked": false,
"createdAt": "2021-12-03T20:08:17.740Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-12-03T20:08:17.740Z"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"page": 1,
"pageSize": 25,
"pageCount": 1,
"total": 1

示例:查找多个 id 为 3, 6,8 的餐厅

¥Example: Find multiple restaurants with ids 3, 6,8

你可以将 $in 过滤运算符与值数组结合使用来查找多个精确值。

¥You can use the $in filter operator with an array of values to find multiple exact values.

Find multiple restaurants with ids 3, 6, 8

GET /api/restaurants?filters[id][$in][0]=6&filters[id][$in][1]=8

JavaScript 查询(使用 qs 库构建):

¥JavaScript query (built with the qs library):

上面的查询 URL 是使用 qs 构建的。qs 可以在你的计算机上本地运行,如以下代码示例所示,或者你也可以使用我们的 交互式查询构建器 在线工具。

¥The query URL above was built using the qs library. qs can be run locally on your machine, as shown in the following code example, or you can use our interactive query builder online tool.

const qs = require('qs');
const query = qs.stringify({
filters: {
id: {
$in: [3, 6, 8],
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true, // prettify URL

await request(`/api/restaurants?${query}`);
Example response
"data": [
"id": 6,
"documentId": "ethwxjxtvuxl89jq720e38uk",
"name": "test6",
// ...
"id": 8,
"documentId": "cf07g1dbusqr8mzmlbqvlegx",
"name": "test8",
// ...
"meta": {
// ...


¥Complex filtering

复杂过滤是使用高级方法组合多个过滤器,例如组合 $and$or。这允许更灵活地请求准确所需的数据。

¥Complex filtering is combining multiple filters using advanced methods such as combining $and & $or. This allows for more flexibility to request exactly the data needed.

Find books with 2 possible dates and a specific author

GET /api/books?filters[$or][0][date][$eq]=2020-01-01&filters[$or][1][date][$eq]=2020-01-02&filters[author][name][$eq]=Kai%20doe

JavaScript 查询(使用 qs 库构建):

¥JavaScript query (built with the qs library):

上面的查询 URL 是使用 qs 构建的。qs 可以在你的计算机上本地运行,如以下代码示例所示,或者你也可以使用我们的 交互式查询构建器 在线工具。

¥The query URL above was built using the qs library. qs can be run locally on your machine, as shown in the following code example, or you can use our interactive query builder online tool.

const qs = require('qs');
const query = qs.stringify({
filters: {
$or: [
date: {
$eq: '2020-01-01',
date: {
$eq: '2020-01-02',
author: {
name: {
$eq: 'Kai doe',
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true, // prettify URL

await request(`/api/books?${query}`);
Example response
"data": [
"id": 1,
"documentId": "rxngxzclq0zdaqtvz67hj38d",
"name": "test1",
"date": "2020-01-01",
// ...
"id": 2,
"documentId": "kjkhff4e269a50b4vi16stst",
"name": "test2",
"date": "2020-01-02",
// ...
"meta": {
// ...


¥Deep filtering


¥Deep filtering is filtering on a relation's fields.

  • 默认情况下不填充关系、媒体字段、组件和动态区域。使用 populate 参数填充这些数据结构(参见 populate 文档)。

    ¥Relations, media fields, components, and dynamic zones are not populated by default. Use the populate parameter to populate these data structures (see populate documentation).

  • 你可以过滤填充的内容,也可以过滤嵌套关系,但不能对多态数据结构(如媒体字段和动态区域)使用过滤器。

    ¥You can filter what you populate, you can also filter nested relations, but you can't use filters for polymorphic data structures (such as media fields and dynamic zones).


使用深层过滤器查询 API 可能会导致性能问题。如果你的深度过滤查询之一太慢,我们建议使用查询的优化版本构建自定义路由。

¥Querying your API with deep filters may cause performance issues. If one of your deep filtering queries is too slow, we recommend building a custom route with an optimized version of the query.

Find restaurants owned by a chef who belongs to a 5-star restaurant

GET /api/restaurants?filters[chef][restaurants][stars][$eq]=5

JavaScript 查询(使用 qs 库构建):

¥JavaScript query (built with the qs library):

上面的查询 URL 是使用 qs 构建的。qs 可以在你的计算机上本地运行,如以下代码示例所示,或者你也可以使用我们的 交互式查询构建器 在线工具。

¥The query URL above was built using the qs library. qs can be run locally on your machine, as shown in the following code example, or you can use our interactive query builder online tool.

const qs = require('qs');
const query = qs.stringify({
filters: {
chef: {
restaurants: {
stars: {
$eq: 5,
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true, // prettify URL

await request(`/api/restaurants?${query}`);
Example response
"data": [
"id": 1,
"documentId": "cvsz61qg33rtyv1qljb1nrtg",
"stars": 5
// ...
"id": 2,
"documentId": "uh17h7ibw0g8thit6ivi71d8",
"stars": 5
// ...
"meta": {
// ...



locale API 参数可用于处理特定语言环境的条目(参见 国际化文档)。

¥The locale API parameter can be used to work with entries from a specific locale (see Internationalization documentation).




应启用 起草并发布 功能。

¥The Draft & Publish feature should be enabled.

查询可以接受 status 参数来明确定义要填充哪些字段,语法选项示例如下。

¥Queries can accept a status parameter to fetch documents based on their status:

  • published:仅返回文档的已发布版本(默认)

    ¥published: returns only the published version of documents (default)

  • draft:仅返回文档的草稿版本

    ¥draft: returns only the draft version of documents


在响应数据中,publishedAt 字段对于草稿为 null

¥In the response data, the publishedAt field is null for drafts.


由于默认返回已发布的版本,因此不传递状态参数相当于传递 status=published

¥Since published versions are returned by default, passing no status parameter is equivalent to passing status=published.

Get draft versions of restaurants

GET /api/articles?status=draft

JavaScript 查询(使用 qs 库构建):

¥JavaScript query (built with the qs library):

上面的查询 URL 是使用 qs 构建的。qs 可以在你的计算机上本地运行,如以下代码示例所示,或者你也可以使用我们的 交互式查询构建器 在线工具。

¥The query URL above was built using the qs library. qs can be run locally on your machine, as shown in the following code example, or you can use our interactive query builder online tool.

const qs = require('qs');
const query = qs.stringify({
status: 'draft',
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true, // prettify URL

await request(`/api/articles?${query}`);
Example response
