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Strapi 5 文档中有什么新功能?

¥What's new in Strapi 5 docs?

Strapi 5 带来了许多新功能和改进,此页面快速高亮了最重要的文档更改。

¥Strapi 5 brings many new features and improvements, and this page quickly highlights the most important documentation changes.

🧑‍🎨 起草并发布 功能已完全重新设计。启用“草稿和发布”后,内容管理器编辑视图会显示 2 个不同的选项卡,一个用于草稿版本,一个用于已发布版本,两者都可以处理不同的内容。

¥🧑‍🎨 The Draft & Publish feature has been fully reworked. When Draft & Publish is enabled, the Content Manager edit view shows 2 different tabs, one for the draft version and one for the published version, and both can handle different content.

🧙‍♀️ 新的 内容历史记录 功能允许你从内容管理器查看和恢复内容的先前版本。

¥🧙‍♀️ The new Content History feature allows you to view and restore previous versions of your content from the Content Manager.

🧑‍🏫 Strapi 5 现在使用 documents 并引入了新的 文档服务 API 来取代 v4 中的实体服务 API,利用新的草稿和发布系统并为更多即将推出的功能铺平道路。

¥🧑‍🏫 Strapi 5 now use documents and introduces a new Document Service API to replace the Entity Service API from v4, leveraging the new Draft & Publish system and paving the way for more upcoming features.

🕵️ REST APIGraphQL API 已更新,两者的响应数据格式均简化,并部分支持 GraphQL 的 Relay 样式查询。

¥🕵️ The REST API and GraphQL API have been updated, with a simplified response data format for both and partial support for Relay-style queries for GraphQL.

👩‍🚀 插件 SDK 是一个新的 CLI 工具,可帮助你开发和发布 Strapi 插件。

¥👩‍🚀 The Plugin SDK is a new CLI tool that helps you develop and publish Strapi plugins.

🦾 另一个全新的 CLI 升级工具 将帮助你迁移到 Strapi 的任何补丁、次要和主要版本,通过 codemods 自动执行大多数常见任务。

¥🦾 Another whole new CLI upgrade tool will help you migrate to any patch, minor, and major version of Strapi, automating most of the common tasks through codemods.

👷 此外,我们准备了一些资源来帮助你 升级到 Strapi 5,包括 分步指南重大变更特定资源 列表,供你考虑升级到 Strapi 5 时阅读。

¥👷 Also, we have some resources ready to help you upgrade to Strapi 5, including a step-by-step guide, a list of breaking changes and specific resources to read for when you will consider upgrading to Strapi 5.

👀 还有更多内容更新:新页面或更新页面在目录中用

¥👀 There are much more content updates: new or updated pages are identified in the table of contents with

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🏷️ 我们引入了一个新的标记系统来提供另一层信息架构。标签可以在每页的底部找到。单击标签将指向列出具有相同标签的所有页面的索引页。访问 /tags 页面可以看到所有可用标签的列表。

¥🏷️ We introduced a new tagging system to provide another layer of information architecture. Tags can be found at the bottom of each page. Clicking on a tag will point you to an index page listing all pages with the same tag. The list of all available tags is visible by visiting the /tags page.

➕ 你还将很快在整个文档页面中找到更多官方指南和更多对外部资源(贡献者文档、设计系统文档和博客文章)的引用。

¥➕ You will also soon find more official guides and more references to external resources (contributor documentation, design system documentation, and blog articles) throughout the docs pages.

🤖 此外,最后但并非最不重要的一点是,你可能已经注意到顶部导航栏中的搜索栏现在结合了 2 个按钮:左侧按钮 🔎 搜索,触发常规搜索,而右侧部分是我们新的基于 AI 的聊天机器人!单击 Ask AI 以提出你的问题。聊天机器人保留了以前答案的上下文,因此只要你不关闭聊天机器人窗口,你就可以提出后续问题。

¥🤖 Also, last but not least, you might have noticed that the search bar in the top navigation bar now combines 2 buttons: the left button, 🔎 Search, triggers a regular search, while the right part is our new AI-based chatbot! Click Ask AI to ask your questions. The chatbot keeps the context of previous answers, so you can ask follow-up questions as long as you don't close the chatbot window.