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¥Collected Usage Information

我们致力于与 Strapi 一起提供超出用户和社区期望的解决方案。我们还致力于继续开发并使 Strapi 变得比今天更好。为此,Strapi 包含收集非敏感数据的功能。这些数据是我们所有用户的汇总数据,综合起来可以让我们更好地了解用户如何交互和使用 Strapi。我们绝不会以任何方式共享所收集的可识别我们的客户或其用户身份的数据;如果共享,这些数据将始终是匿名的。

¥We are committed to providing a solution, with Strapi, that exceeds the expectations of the users and community. We are also committed to continuing to develop and make Strapi even better than it is today. To that end, Strapi contains a feature in which non-sensitive data is collected. This data is collectively aggregated for all our users, which when taken together give us a better global understanding of how users are interacting and using Strapi. We will never share the data collected in any way that would identify our Customers or their users; if shared, this data will always be anonymous.



使用 Strapi 的开发者数量正在显着增长。如前所述,我们致力于为用户提供最佳体验。我们将始终继续进行实际的 UI/UX 测试、调查、问题跟踪、路由图投票等......并以其他方式与 Strapi 社区进行交流,同时通过任何可用的方式努力理解并提供所要求的内容和所需的内容。

¥The number of developers using Strapi is growing significantly. As mentioned earlier, we are committed to providing the best experience to our users. We will always continue to do hands-on UI/UX testing, surveys, issue tracking, roadmap votes, etc... and otherwise talk with the Strapi Community while striving to understand and deliver what is being asked for and what is needed, by any means available.

然而,仅上述这些行动往往不足以全面了解 Strapi 及其功能的全局使用情况的某些方面。全局汇总的数据帮助我们回答以下问题并做出选择:

¥However, these above actions alone are often insufficient to maintain an overall picture of some aspects of the global usage of Strapi and its features. Globally aggregated data helps us answer and make choices around questions like these:

  • 我们的用户是否使用特定功能?对于那些使用它的人来说,他们用它来做什么?它是否与另一个插件一起激活并使用?具体是哪个插件?或者其他什么,例如,仅在开发/生产中?

    ¥Are our users using a particular feature or not? For those who are using it, what do they use it for? Is it activated and used alongside another plugin? Which specific plugin? Or something else, like, only in development/production?

  • 建立一个项目需要多长时间?如果全局安装时间增加,是否意味着用户遇到了问题或者过程太复杂了?

    ¥How long does setting up a project take? If the global install time increases, does it mean that users are encountering issues or the process is simply too complicated?

  • 我们的用户面临什么类型的错误?

    ¥What type of errors our users are facing?

  • 最常用的插件是什么?

    ¥What are the most used plugins?

  • 我们是否应该集中精力兼容 Node 16?也许我们的社区使用版本 16 的比例比全局 Node.js 社区更高?

    ¥Should we focus our efforts on being compatible with Node 16? Maybe our community uses version 16 in greater percentages than the global Node.js community?

  • 和更多...

    ¥And more...


¥Without these metrics, we wouldn't be able to make the right choices as we continue to move forward with the roadmap and provide what you, the community and users, are asking for.


¥Collected data


¥The following data is collected:

  • 唯一的项目 ID(使用 UUID 生成)

    ¥Unique project ID (generated with UUID)

  • 唯一机器 ID(使用 node-machine-id 生成)

    ¥Unique machine ID (generated with node-machine-id)

  • 环境状态(开发、暂存、生产)

    ¥Environment state (development, staging, production)

  • 系统信息(操作系统)

    ¥System information (OS)

  • 构建配置

    ¥Build configurations


收集和汇总的任何可识别数据均具有非敏感性质。我们遵守欧洲 GDPR 建议(请参阅我们的 隐私政策)。我们不收集数据库配置、密码或自定义变量。收集的任何数据(如上所述)都会受到保护、加密,然后进行匿名处理。

¥Any identifiable data collected and aggregated is of a non-sensitive nature. We are compliant with the European GDPR recommendations (see our Privacy Policy). We do not collect databases configurations, password or custom variables. Any data collected (as above) is secured, encrypted and then anonymized.

✏️ 注意

如果你在第一个注册屏幕上选中 "让我了解新功能和即将推出的改进(通过这样做,你接受条款和隐私政策)" 框,你的电子邮件地址、名字和在公司中的职位将发送给我们的营销团队。

¥If you check the box "Keep me updated about new features & upcoming improvements (by doing this, you accept the terms and the privacy policy)" on the first registration screen, your email address, first name, and role in the company will be sent to our marketing team.

这些数据仅用于营销相关目的(例如 Strapi 时事通讯),不会发送到 Strapi 的遥测系统。默认情况下,收集的使用信息是选择退出的:如果你不选中该框,则不会发送数据。

¥These data are used for marketing-related purposes only (e.g., the Strapi newsletter) and are not sent to Strapi's telemetry system. This collected usage information is opt-out by default: the data aren't sent if you don't check the box.




Strapi 之前建议通过删除项目根目录下 package.json 文件中的 uuid 属性来禁用数据收集。虽然此方法仍然有效,但不鼓励这样做,因为某些项目功能可能需要 uuid,并且稍后添加 uuid 会在不通知用户的情况下重新启用数据收集。

¥Strapi previously recommended disabling data collection by removing the uuid property in the package.json file located in the project root. While this method will still work it is discouraged since the uuid might be required for certain project functionality and adding a uuid at a later date would re-enable data collection without informing the user.

可以使用以下 CLI 命令禁用默认数据收集功能:

¥The default data collection feature can be disabled using the following CLI command:

yarn strapi telemetry:disable

或者,项目 package.json 文件中的 strapi.telemetryDisabled: true 标志也将禁用数据收集。

¥Alternatively, the strapi.telemetryDisabled: true flag in the project package.json file will also disable data collection.

稍后可以通过删除该标志或将其设置为 false,或者使用 telemetry:enable 命令来重新启用数据收集。

¥Data collection can later be re-enabled by deleting the flag or setting it to false, or by using the telemetry:enable command.

✏️ 注意

如果你对数据收集有任何疑问或疑虑,请通过以下电子邮件地址 与我们联系。

¥If you have any questions or concerns regarding data collection, please contact us at the following email address